FS Protection PC Release 221

F-Secure One Client SAFE 4.00.4111
New Features:
- Product update notifications have been re-introduced.
- License terms update notifications have been re-introduced.
Known Issues:
- There is no subscription reminder when subscription is about to expire.
Fixed Issues:
- Missing localizations in notification messages (PBL-3929)
- About dialog crashes (PBL-3897)
- View messages dialog button sizes are incorrect (PBL-3894)
- Scheduled scan skipped in gaming mode event missing (PBL-3909)
- Manual scan event link description not consistent with scheduled scan (PBL-3902)
- Trust button on Riskware block flyer does not work (PBL-3899)
- Action Center buttons are too big (PBL-3894)
- Scheduled scan reports in wrong place (PBL-3889)
- Huge buttons on banking flyer (PBL-3884)
- Troubles with receiving rating for websites (PBL-3881)
- Wrong size button in "Add more time" dialog (PBL-3869)
- Windows security center status reporting not working after reinstallation (PBL-3867)
- Web site keeps opening after blocking in case of capital letters (PBL-3862)
- Windows settings for showing taskbar icon should show correct application name (PBL-3832)
- Safe home icon will not change to grey after uninstallation (PBL-3830)
- Switch profile allows selecting the same profile again (PBL-3801)
- Mix of fonts in Chinese (PBL-3757)
- Banking protection plugin filtering not disabled when settings is disabled (PBL-3740)
- Scheduled scanning settings not migrated (PBL-3627)
- Restarted flyer plugin does not handle events from already existing toasts (PBL-3558)
- Fine tune and fix high DPI in UI (PBL-3107)
- String differencies between help and ui in various languages (PBL-2831)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hmm... That was a bit weird! I was going to wait for it to auto-update, but I've just installed the 'new' client manually, and for some reason was expecting a different look, but it looks exactly the same as the old one!
Oh well, it all seems to be working anyway. The installation insisted that I manually removed Hitman Pro, but it was only the web client anyway, which I hardly ever used, so I can just reinstall that if I ever need to.
Other than that, as smooth as ever.
Sorry if you're disappointed.
The change was actually massive but it was internal restructuring of the product without affecting the user-visible parts. I can assure you that we haven't done such a big change for 7 years. The main effects for user are faster and more reliable install and updates.
We are preparing to roll out the update to TP215 clients soon. It has taken a bit longer than expected.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hi @Ville,
Not disappointed, as such, just a bit surprised!
Usually, when a product undergoes a radical face lift, this is shown outwardly, so that customers know that the product has been updated, and there is also the possibility therefore of attracting new customers. If I was just a regular customer, I probably wouldn't even know that anything had changed.
I think you know that I've never been particularly a fan of the 'light' UI design, but I guess the most important thing is that the product works effectively. Do you not feel, however, that a visual refresh is due, as it's been several years since it has changed significantly?
@yeoldfart wrote:Hello
I refurbished my rig (mobo, ram, ssd, amd) and I incidentally lost some precious records... among them the FS installer, would you please give me the link ?
thank you in advance
Does this help? You will need to log in to get the installer.
Clean installed without a glitch, but I have a doubt: is this by design that MS Windows security apps are not disabled by the installation ? I already noticed that MS Defender jumped on and eradicated a suspicious file (keygen) and that FS did not react on the same file ?
When I install Webroot or Eset e.g. they do disable Defender and clean off the suspected file on their own.
Thank you for your attention