VPN Exclusions

Do you support any exclusions on the FREEDOME VPN?
I normally have Netflix or Amazon Video rolling on my second monitor while browsing the internet, since both active block proxies and VPNs I'd like to exclude their address and/or app, without going through the fuss of managing a static routing table.
I only want to watch content which is available in my country anyway, but having to disable the whole VPN while watching something is inconvenient.
Hi Nate-Dogg,
Welcome to F-Secure Community!
With Freedome, exclusion is only supported in Freedome for Android. You can exclude applications from Freedome in Android. But otherwise, there is no exclusion option in other OS for Freedome.
Our Freedome application provides a safe and private access to the Internet, regardless where you connect from. It protects against “man-in-the-middle” attacks and securely encrypts your connection. Freedome also blocks trackers, prevents access to malicious web sites and gives you the ability to select virtual locations around the world.
As users start using more public WiFi networks, they are more open to attacks. We want to protect our users by providing a solution to secure these connections. A Wifi network may be easily hacked and may provide access to hackers to steal your data and snoop what you're doing online. With Freedome, you are protected from these scenarios.Thank you
Hi Pavitra,
Thanks for the reply.
That's a shame that it's only supported in Android, do you know if there's any plans to support this in the future? It seems odd that one platform has a feature and the rest don't, there should be a universal experience across all platforms.
I guess I will need to find my own work around with static route tables to bypass your FREEDOME VPN.
Netflix I should be able to bypass, they have 183,808 registered IP address' to Netflix Inc., Netflix Streaming Services Inc., Netflix Luxembourg S.a.r.l. and Netflix International BV.
Amazon Video will be more of a problem as they'll just be registered to AWS.