Browsing/Banking protection not triggering on Firefox

F-Secure Browsing and Banking protection is not triggering correctly. I am experciencing these issues especially on Firefox. Whereas on Edge it works on every site and every time, on Firefox Banking protection bar appears mostly for the first time only and then totally shuts down. After a Windows reboot problem is resolved temporarily.
Second. Trying the amtso feature setting (phising page) it mostly works after a fresh reboot of Windows, but after a while, especially after triggering banking protecion and shutting it down manually, amtso phising test page is not working any more either. Interestingly the other amtso feature setting checks (e.g. test file) is still blocked by browsing protection.
Tested on Windows 10 1803 64 bit, Firefox v. 61.0.1, Edge 42.17134.1.0, F-Secure Safe 17.4, Firefox addon Browsing protection by F-Secure 2.216.7455
Is anybody else experciencing problems with browsing/banking protection?
Cheers, Vetraci
I have the same specs of OS and Firefox as you specified in your post, triggered banking protection and shut it down manually, and browsing protection worked properly on amtso's page, all tests were available and blocked if clicked on one of them. You can try reinstalling F-Secure Safe 17.4, but make sure you delete folders and registry entries before you reinstall the software again. I've noticed that f-secure leaves quite alot folders and registry entries when uninstalled. This is something developers should address .
I tried a complete reinstallation of F-Secure Safe (with the uninstallation tool provided by F-Secure) and also reinstalled Firefox as well. Issues are still present. It's working for the first time, after closing the opening Firefox again Bankin protection and Browsing protection seem to be 'sleeping'. Reputation check when searching with Bing or Google is off too. After a complete restart it's working again for a short time.
Okay, this is the way I can reproduce issues descibed before.
After a fresh restart...
1. banking protection works
2. AMTSO phising test site is blocked
Then after closing and opening Firefox again...
1. Neither banking protection nor browser protection is apparently working correctly any more.
2. Can't trigger banking protection any more (tested different banking sites)
3. But banking protection with Edge still triggers when browsing banking websites.
4.Other AMTSO security feature checks (except of the Phising test) are still blocked by browsing protection
Another wierd thing is, after switching between windows user accounts....
1. Banking and browsing correction work correctly the first time as long as Firefox is not closed and reopened again.
Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I tried with beta/technology preview F-Secure SAFE (FS Protection) and I did not repeat noted troubleresult.
I launch system/restart system -> open Firefox and then bank-website (some other doublechecks for AMTSO Phishing page and Google Search results) ->> close Firefox and after ten seconds (or so) re-launch it. Still all works. I tried about five times (restarts) and multiple times per session.
One else difference -> I do use "Content Blocker" with unknown/uncategorized/unrated-category; With my tries -> too often Security Cloud is 'not connected' (or based on something else) and any page is blocked as 'uncategorized'. So, it was not possible to trigger Banking Protection with first seconds/minutes after launch system (or properly check situation).
Sounds that maybe situation is about trouble around extension/addon (because with Microsoft Edge all works). Or banking protection flyer (if 'invisible' flyer is explanation for other troubles too; for example, for phishing test page)
And, time to time, my own experience is also about some strange points around Firefox and Browsing Protection extension. But I do not launch Firefox practically (or even system with Firefox) and, usually, such troubles with explanation that there was upgrade for F-Secure solution, extension or even for Firefox. As result, some further restarts are needed; or disable/re-enable F-Secure Browsing Protection addon/extension manually under settings.
@Vetraci wrote:Hi @Ukko
Again tested Safe on a totally clean install of Windows 10 and still can reproduce this issue with latest Firefox browser.
Yes, it was more as feedback AND with potential point 'what if situation is fixed with recent/beta SAFE'; but maybe I just do not able to reproduce it OR certain noted configuration is needed.
Currently, I re-tried steps with Windows 10 1803 64bit, Firefox 64bit 61.0.1, FS Protection (beta F-Secure SAFE) and BP-extension with a little be 'higher' build-number than your. I did not reproduce trouble with steps like (open Firefox -> open Banking website -> close Firefox -> open Banking website; and small tries between such steps); all works, in general.
Also, I tried to check situation with previous Windows 10 build, Firefox 32bit 61.0.1, stable F-Secure SAFE.
Basically, I did not reproduce noted trouble. BUT one-time there was situation when I got stuck with blocking 'harmful'-rated pages. It was with view like -> I open Firefox and banking website; Banking Protection session is triggered and I switch tab to AMTSO website by some steps and then browse to Phishing page (or directly to such page). Result - I received blockpage about "Banking Protection session is active and page is blocked" (for amtso domain). Close Firefox -> re-open it and any of harmful-rated pages are not blocked anymore. I decided to check - does harmful-pages still blocked with Internet Explorer 11 -> and yes - harmful pages were blocked there -> with further re-launch Firefox and harmful-rated blocked too. Did not repeat such impact later.
Maybe I will try to re-check situation with exact your configuration/setting (later). But just because it is still possible to repeat with any of your tries (and as with @gisot1 experience - it was also possible) -> maybe it is good to contact their Support Channels (chat as example):
What if it is known situation for Support. And there are some workarounds or fixes.
@Ukko wrote:Close Firefox -> re-open it and any of harmful-rated pages are not blocked anymore. I decided to check - does harmful-pages still blocked with Internet Explorer 11 -> and yes - harmful pages were blocked there -> with further re-launch Firefox and harmful-rated blocked too. Did not repeat such impact later.
What you experienced pretty much happens every time I try. Except of I doublechecked with Edge and Browsing protection needed a reboot (Windows restart) to work again.
@Ukko wrote:.Maybe I will try to re-check situation with exact your configuration/setting (later). But just because it is still possible to repeat with any of your tries (and as with @gisot1 experience - it was also possible) -> maybe it is good to contact their Support Channels (chat as example):
What if it is known situation for Support. And there are some workarounds or fixes.
I already contacted support. They weren‘t aware of any problems I described and couldn‘t reproduce my issue.
What you experienced pretty much happens every time I try. Except of I doublechecked with Edge and Browsing protection needed a reboot (Windows restart) to work again.
Yes maybe, but Banking Protection flyer was visible with my experience. When harmful-rated pages were not blocked -> visit banking website and Banking Protection flyer is triggered and active(? I did not check... basically).
Also, does Support requested some log-files? And it was not useful (not visible anything about potential reason)?
In general I dont like the idea of sharing logfiles that might collect more personal information than really necessary. So no. Since I could reproduce this issue on a clean install of Windows 10 and others apparently can as well, I hoped F-Secure could find the bug without having any logfiles.
I see, good point.
With recent F-Secure SAFE builds (beta):
•FSDiag now uses zlib for compression instead of 7-zip (.7z). End-user can more easily now inspect what has been collected before they send it to F-Secure. This helps with privacy and transparency.
As result, .zip-extension is supported by Windows default configuration and possible to unpack by common steps (with further re-pack it with only 'requested by Support' and 'inspected by user' logs).
Only as my own feedback.
I tried with VM (Windows 10 64bit 1803; Firefox 61.0.1 64bit, stable F-Secure SAFE with its up-to-date modules).
And I did not reproduce trouble result. Will play more (later).
It is clear that trouble is reproduced by two users - but just as my own feedback - that maybe some else dependencies there (or additional steps/setting; or I tried with wrong view).
Also, there ( was reply by F-Secure like:
....investigating an issue with our backend which affects browsing and banking protection.....
But it's time consuming to check all the fsdiag files for personal information. Not really convenient in my opinion.
Mainly, I thought about potential design when "F-Secure Support" requested certain 'related' log-file (or files) and user do able to unpack fsdiag -> find such items and to inspect only them (so, not entire content of fsdiag). At least, such meanings I read with their Terms (probably?!) too.
Hey, we resolved an issue yesterday where some users' clients did not get a reply from the security cloud backend, which most notably appeared as banking protection not triggering. This may have solved your issues also. Please report if you still have problems and we'll take a look at it. Sorry for this to happen to you and wasting your time.