Flashback botnets infected 600,000 Mac Users (Headline news!)

Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

Guys please take of the news below:-




Please go thru all the steps which I mentioned in my previous postings. That will help you.


Another way to fool the virus is to run Linux on a virtual machine.


If it got infected in the virtual machine you can just delete it.


Firstly run patches for the Apple Security Updates, Disable all your Java and Flash in any browser you run.


Java and Adobe Flash are too vulnerable in security!!!


Use No script add on.


Check all the steps which F-Secure recommended.


Do check the F-Secure's famous weblogs. It's very informative!!!




  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    The Flashback botnet will look for these programs.


    * /Library/Little Snitch
    * /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
    * /Applications/VirusBarrier X6.app
    * /Applications/iAntiVirus/iAntiVirus.app
    * /Applications/avast!.app
    * /Applications/ClamXav.app
    * /Applications/HTTPScoop.app
    * /Applications/Packet Peeper.app
  • nayan007
    nayan007 Posts: 41 Observer

    I went through the steps and helped me too. Thanx for the information posting it over here

  • Rusli
    Rusli Posts: 1,022 Influencer

    Well all I can say Officially ... that MAC have viruses!!! (Is just that Apple did not say that Apple do have viruses!)



    I'm no a programmer or a decoder.


    -Mac did not get a Windows viruses but do get Mac viruses! (Is not a MYTH anymore guys.The Reality is there for you to see.)




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