Freedome VPN fails to start on Mac OS X Yosemite (v10.10.5)

ReticentCouch Posts: 1 New Member

I have a 7-pack of Freedome VPN licenses and I've been able to get it running successfully on two iPhones, an iPad, a Windows PC and a Windows laptop thus far.  However, when trying to start it on a MacBook Air, it continually gets the following error:


F-Secure Freedome error

Could not configure the app.  Restart Freedome and try again.


I've already attempted to delete and reinstall the application multiple times (including following the recommended uninstall behavior from the Freedome chat support team) with no success.  The application always installs successfully and then displays the error about 30 seconds after installation.


I ended up trying to run the application via a terminal from inside the application package and I see this output with errors attempting to connect to a background process (I replaced my machine name and username in the output):


Last login: Mon Jun 18 09:06:11 on ttys000
<User>-MacBook-Air:~ <username>$ /Applications/ ; exit;
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: ***  LOGGING STARTED  *** (UTC-7:00)
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: LogLevel=4, config:4
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: setupDockClickHandler: Registered dock click handler (replaced original method)
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: isMigrationAllowed: migration allowed production => production yes
5: mktree: Creating /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/F-Secure/FSFreedome
4: chmod: chmod 700 /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/F-Secure/FSFreedome
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: ***  LOGGING STARTED  *** (UTC-7:00)
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: LogLevel=4, config:4
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: FSVpnImpl: appName is:Freedome
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: FSVpnImpl: init
Jun 18 09:09:23 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:24 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: getVersionAndEndpointWithReply: Helper tool version:2.20.5548.0 uid:0 gid:0
Jun 18 09:09:25 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:25 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: proxyErrorHandler: Helper tool failure: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production) UserInfo=0x7feaebc0a740 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production}
Jun 18 09:09:25 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:25 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:25 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: connectToHelperTool_block_invoke_2: Retrying connection
Jun 18 09:09:34 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: getVersionAndEndpointWithReply: Helper tool version:2.20.5548.0 uid:0 gid:0
Jun 18 09:09:35 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:35 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: proxyErrorHandler: Helper tool failure: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production) UserInfo=0x7feaebe06700 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production}
Jun 18 09:09:35 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:35 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:35 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: connectToHelperTool_block_invoke_2: Retrying connection
Jun 18 09:09:44 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: getVersionAndEndpointWithReply: Helper tool version:2.20.5548.0 uid:0 gid:0
Jun 18 09:09:45 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:45 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: proxyErrorHandler: Helper tool failure: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production) UserInfo=0x7feaebc0a740 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production}
Jun 18 09:09:45 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:45 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:45 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: connectToHelperTool_block_invoke_2: Retrying connection
Jun 18 09:09:54 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: getVersionAndEndpointWithReply: Helper tool version:2.20.5548.0 uid:0 gid:0
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Warning>: proxyErrorHandler: Helper tool failure: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production) UserInfo=0x7feaebc111f0 {NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production}
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: isHelperToolInstalled: helper tool name:com.f-secure.fsvpn-service-helper.production
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Error>: proxyErrorHandler: Unable to connect to helper tool
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Error>: FSVpnServiceEventListener: Failed to init
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Critical>: start: Failed to init SDK
Jun 18 09:09:55 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Error>: start: Exiting because app is not initialized properly
Jun 18 09:09:58 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: main: App returned: -1
Jun 18 09:09:58 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Warning>: QtError: QApplication::removeTranslator: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
Jun 18 09:09:59 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: Log closed!
Jun 18 09:09:59 <User>-MacBook-Air.local pvpngui[3498] <Info>: ***********
Jun 18 09:09:59 <User>-MacBook-Air.local fsvpn[3498] <Info>: FSVpnImpl: stop

[Process complete


Any assistance would be appreciated!  Thanks!


  • Hello ReticentCouch,


    I believe this needs further investigation with the logs. I see you have already got in touch with our support team via chat. Please followup with support team via the case so that they can troubleshoot further on this.




This discussion has been closed.