Since installing Freedome VPN, outgoing calls fail on iPhone X (iOS 11.3.1)

dg1 Posts: 4 Observer

Since installing the Freedome VPN, I cannot make outgoing calls on my iPhone X (iOS 11.3.1). These are traditional calls (not VOIP calls) that I'm having an issue with.


I have already tried:

  • Turning my phone on and off
  • Turning the VPN off
  • Clicking "remove VPN conigurations" under the Settings tab on the app
  • Speaking to my network operator to make sure it is not a network issue.


What else can I do to fix this? I have never had issues with outgoing calls before, and this all started shortly after installing Freedome. 


  • Hello dg1,


    Could you please confirm if these are the traditional phone calls and not VOIP calls?

  • dg1
    dg1 Posts: 4 Observer

    Confrimed, these are traditinoal phone calls. Not VOIP calls.

  • Hi dg1,


    Could you please let us know if this setting is enabled? If it is enabled, could you disable it and try again if that helps?

  • dg1
    dg1 Posts: 4 Observer

    Wifi calling is not enabled. It actually doesn't even show on my iphone (probably because my carrier doesn't support it).

  • Hello dg1,


    Please try to remove the Freedome application and then verfiy if phone calls can be made and received. Then, proceed to reinstall Freedome again and retry calling again.


    Please update us if it works.


  • You're welcome!


    ..And thanks for updating us, dg1. Good to know you were able to identify the rootcause.



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