Is it able to delete all events shown at the Recent Events Window for the user of SAFE ?

Hello all. Thank you for acceccing here.
I want to ask everyone about clear of all logs,which are shown at "Recent Events" Window of F-secure SAFE.
I've just started to use the latest F-secure SAFE on my private PC from some days ago.
Now it is fine for me and the others of user. But there are a trouble aroung it.
The latest F-secure SAFE is not including "Clear All" button at the events log window.
"Events history" is showing me some logs related to behaviour by F-secure for protection system.
I want to delete them, so I was looking for the delete button for clear all of them.
But I can not find it.
How can I clear the Events history?
Why the technical team of F-secure judged this direction based on removing this button?
Would you teach me about above things?
Thank you.
Hi @woodchapter
It is not possible to delete the events in the latest version of the client. The events that contain user sensitive data (paths, URLs) are visible to that Windows user only.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hi Ville and F-Secure R&D,
Sorry, but your statement is not correct nor acceptable.
The events that contain user sensitive data (paths, URLs) are not only visible to that Windows user but to all users of the PC/device under the same Windows account. It may appear that a user does not want another user to see what events he has caused.
Are you aware that you probably have fringed effective EU data privacy regulations by removing the button? At least you have made your software useless for some users.
So please give back the delete button or return the money you took from your customers before having changed essential features of the software.
Ciao MFR
@MFR wrote:Hi Ville and F-Secure R&D,
Sorry, but your statement is not correct nor acceptable.
The events that contain user sensitive data (paths, URLs) are not only visible to that Windows user but to all users of the PC/device under the same Windows account. It may appear that a user does not want another user to see what events he has caused.
Are you aware that you probably have fringed effective EU data privacy regulations by removing the button? At least you have made your software useless for some users.
So please give back the delete button or return the money you took from your customers before having changed essential features of the software.
Ciao MFR
For what it's worth there is no privacy separation for users using your machine on Windows unless you use separate Windows accounts like the operating system is designed to be used. If you want to use Windows in a secure and private way, create more accounts. (not directly related with whether or not F-Secure should or will restore the functionality to clear events)
I understand this kind of behavior at business use but at home use I don't. I think that most of the home users don't like this. Every program seems to collect a lot of information from us. It would be nice to know what else this program collects and where the information will be sent. I understand the security point of view but this option should be possible to select during installation. I mean that you can use it or not.
I vaguely recall there would be a link to privacy policy from the common settings (from task tray) somewhere but maybe that's just with the latest software version. Also that just concerns the data that is actually collected for sending to F-Secure, it might not cover everything that isn't
@Kipa68 wrote:I understand this kind of behavior at business use but at home use I don't. I think that most of the home users don't like this. Every program seems to collect a lot of information from us. It would be nice to know what else this program collects and where the information will be sent. I understand the security point of view but this option should be possible to select during installation. I mean that you can use it or not.
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Just like addition to previous reply -> there is URL to their page for terms and policies (where possible to manage and find ones for F-Secure SAFE solution too): think that with recent solutions should be possible to disable transferring unnecessary censored 'collected' data (as it described with Terms/Policies). While other kind of information can be transferred only by manual steps (for example, Support ticket with requested logs - which possible to inspect before further transfer to Support).
Also, there is feature-request about subject (possible to vote it):
Hi all,
The event history was re-designed. The old version was done in a simple way and could stop working if you had more than 5000 events. The new version is basically unlimited in the capacity to store events. During the development we were running low on time and had to cut some scope so the clear all was removed. We didn't consider it that important. However, since your feedback we have prioritized bringing it back. Current plan is that next version will have the button back, to be released during autumn.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
There is a way do delete the Event history but it is a way around:
Please follow exactly the steps in the order listed, this is to prevent you from
any harm. If you do not exactly follow this way it is in your own responsibility when
something goes wrong.
1. disconnect your W-LAN or LAN (important as you are shutting down F-Secure services).
2. Then go over Start -> Windows Administrative Tools -> Services
3. Stop following 4 services (right click and choose in pulldown "Stop"):
- F-Secure Hoster
- F-Secure Hoster (Restricted)
- F-Secure Ultralight Hoster
- F-Secure Ultralight ORSP Client
4. NOTE: from this point on you do not have any Internet Security Protection as all services are shut down now
5. Go on your Windows desktop screen -> double-click on "This PC" -> choose drive C (your system drive) -> Folder "ProgramData" (your settings must allow to show hidden items) -> F-Secure -> EventHistory
6. delete file "event" (only possible when services are stopped, otherwise you will get an alert that file
is currently in use)
7. Reboot your system and after successfully logged in Windows, F-Secure services are automatically restarted and you only must reconnect to your W-LAN or LAN
8. if you check the events you will see now an empty window.
This solution has been tested a couple of times and works without any problems.
Description based on Windows 10 Spring Creators Update 18.03 Build 17134.228
It seems that some of F-Secure are not happy about my description, here we go again:
There is a way to delete the Event history but it is a way around:
All steps described are at your own risk and I recommend exactly to follow the steps in
the order listed to avoid any harm on your computer:
1. Disconnect your W-LAN or LAN (important as you are shutting down F-Secure services).
2. Then go over Start -> Windows Administrative Tools -> Services
3. Stop following 4 services (right click and choose in pulldown "Stop"):
- F-Secure Hoster
- F-Secure Hoster (Restricted)
- F-Secure Ultralight Hoster
- F-Secure Ultralight ORSP Client
4. NOTE: from this point on you do not have any Internet Security Protection as all services
are shut down now
5. Go on your Windows Desktop Screen and double-Click on "This PC" -> choose drive C (your system drive) -> Folder "ProgramData" (your settings must allow to show hidden items) -> F-Secure -> EventHistory
6. Delete the file "event" (only possible when services are stopped, otherwise you will get an alert that file
is currently in use), it is the only one existing file in this folder
7. Reboot your system and after successfully logged in Windows, F-Secure services are automatically restarted and you only must reconnect to your W-LAN or LAN
8. Go on the F-Secure tray icon on the right side of the taskbar and right click to choose in the pull-up menu the Events History. There is no entry anymore.
This has been tested a couple of times on my laptop and I didn't experience any issue.
System: Windows 10 Pro Spring Creators Update 18.03 Build 17134.228