Blocked sites authorised thru windows 10

NadiaPH Posts: 12 Observer



I have recently had to switch back to IE from using Mozilla Firefox. Something funny is happening... for most of the sites my son gets a message that is not allowed.  Nothing particular. When I allow it in Fsecure on allowed tab it wont unblock unless I authorise it throus my Microsoft account (email sent thru email)


Any idea what is going on?


Many thanks


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    When I allow it in Fsecure on allowed tab it wont unblock unless I authorise it throus my Microsoft account (email sent thru email)

    While situation maybe pinned to troubles with connection between device and F-Secure Security Cloud (as result: potential trouble with getting security rating for websites and them can be blocked as 'unknown/unrated/uncategorized' rated page) -> does it possible to explain about this part of your experience?


    """""unless I authorise it throus my Microsoft account (email sent thru email)"""" - how it looks like? In general, allow/block action is protected by Administrator rights; But such rights should be asked during try to open 'exclusion list' or "Allow"-button.



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