Unable to verify account

PBzCharlie Posts: 5 New Member

Purchased a years sub for three devices through the website. Activated the app on my iPhone.  Won't allow me to activate on my iPad.  


  • PBzCharlie
    PBzCharlie Posts: 5 New Member

    I have tried to use the code from my email and it's the same message 

  • Hi PBzCharlie,


    Could you please provide us more information on the error message you see when you try to activate it on your iPad?


    On which other devices, do you still have Freedome installed with this license?

  • PBzCharlie
    PBzCharlie Posts: 5 New Member

    I have the message "unable to verify account" 

    i have it installed on my iPhone 6s and it won't install on my iPad

  • Hi PBzCharlie,


    Could you try again to validate the license for Freedome in your iPad? We had a small hiccup yesterday with the license validation which we suspect might have caused this issue.



  • PBzCharlie
    PBzCharlie Posts: 5 New Member

    Still unable to verify 

  • PBzCharlie
    PBzCharlie Posts: 5 New Member
    Fixed thanks
  • Appreciate the update, PBzCharlie! Good to know the issue is resolved.

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