F-Secure FREEDOM / not working anymore on iPhone and iPad

I had to shut down completely the iPad and restart it. Unfortunately since then, F-Secure FREEDOM is not working anymore on my iPhone nor on my iPad. I am informed that my suscription ended and I should buy a new one. However I bought a licence for 3 devices (that one on my MacBook luckily still working) and the suscription for all 3 ends in February 2019.
How to solve this problem?
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Based on your description -> your Freedome subscription is about "mutli-platform" type.
So, it should be possible to find 'purchase/confirmation' letter with subscription code. And then maybe next knowledgebase article can be useful:
If subscription's provider is not F-Secure directly -> I think that for activiation such subscription/licence under mobile device may be useful to try search for potential place with "Login"-button. Or to see if there is an option to "choose provider/login form" under application. With next meanings:
Maybe -> something like reinstallation is needed (if it is not possible to add your subscription code or it is not work).
In addition, if there is something else as reason (OR your subscription code is not known): good to try contact their direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example):
Also, possible to read some of topics with F-Secure Freedome Community Board:
Maybe some of them can be valid for your situation too.
Currently your topic is created under F-Secure SAFE board. AND maybe -> your Freedome subscription is part of F-SECURE TOTAL package? And if so -> should be possible to login under "My F-Secure Portal" for activation Freedome installation.
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-TOTAL/I-already-have-FREEDOME/ta-p/99407
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-TOTAL/How-to-take-FREEDOME-into-use/ta-p/86321
Hi Robert56,
Were you able to resolve the issue? Did Ukko's reply help with the subscription issue?
Just to add on, if the issue persists, were you using the app store license on your iOS devices (iPhone or iPad) when it showed as expired? Did you purchase an app store Freedome subscription as well as a multi device subscription?