'Could not verify your account. Please try again later.'

veejay Posts: 3 Observer

I was getting a message saying subscription was expired when trying to open links on my iphone (10.3.1). So, I removed and downloaded freedome again, but  get this error when I enter my code: 'Could not verify your account. Please try again later.' Alternately, I get an error that says, 'Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again.' My subscription is good until january 2019, are you having issues today?


  • Hi veejay,


    Are you still having this issue? Or were you able to subscribe to Freedome?


    Is this a multi device subscription for Freedome? Or is it an app store subscription?


  • Hi veejay,


    Good to know that the issue has been resolved itself. Thanks for updating us.

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