F-Secure scanning of Android mobile files: 'base.apk' and '.nomedia'

cozoco Posts: 2 New Member

Recently the scanning process is taking much longer than previously. It highlights each of the files noted above and states: "Scanning file '.nomedia' may take a while".

It continues to scan the .nomedia file without ending the scanning process.

Please advise.




  • Hi Cozoco,


    Thank you for the report. Our R&D are aware of this and they are working on it. We will keep you updated once we have fixed the problem.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Just as my own feedback:


    -- with my experience 'the scanning process is taking time for certain .apk files' too (not sure about .nomedia - but maybe also). So called 'base.apk' included (and some other - maybe five).


    My experience about F-Secure response is something like these words:

    If application is too large and application is previously unknown, scanning can take long time. In addition, data connection is important for scanning speed.


    Trouble with my situation is that potentially such applications are always unknown. Not matter how many times I perform scanning (or how long such application was installed). But, recently, it start be with changes. And only 'freshly' upgraded such application is start be with scanning delay (as 'come back sitaution').

    I'm not friendly with Android platform, but maybe '.nomedia' is something where possible to receive a lot of files. And maybe large files. If so - maybe scanning just take a lot of time for scanning it.

    If not - so, it is potentially crash (?!); and good to contact their direct Support Channels (like chat as example): https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/contact-support


    With such situation and cloud-based scanning design: strange that 'exclusion'-list (or exclude-design) is not available with Android platform.



    // later edited: there already response from F-Secure Team.

  • cozoco
    cozoco Posts: 2 New Member

    Many thanks for the prompt resolution. Impressive!

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