Harmless (a priori ?) site blocked by Freedome on iPhone but not iPad !!!!

FDU Posts: 57 Explorer
This wine selling site les-caves.fr/ (a priori harmless and well noted by customers) is blocked by Freedome (and Sense) on both Mac and iPhone but access is allowed without any problem from IPad !!!

Such inconsistency put a strong à doubt on the security/reliability of the solution and the confidence we can put on it...

It should also be very important to explain more details about the reason of the blocking with associated risks and have the possibility to send a request for review to reconsider such status by a simple click on a button (I have also asked by email to review/reconsider the blocking of the school web site of my son without any answer/feedback for weeks now).


  • Hi FDU,


    I saw your other post in the SENSE board with the same topic. Have you tried to contact our labs here for submitting the sample URL, if you suspect it to be a false positive? If yes, when you submitted the sample before, did you tick the option ' I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results'? If this is ticked, it will give you the options to enter your contact details to get notified of the results.


    If you have not received any replies on the case, could you please provide me the case number via private message to check further?

  • FDU
    FDU Posts: 57 Explorer

    Sorry, I should probably have started 2 separate threads to avoid confusion on main priorities to address.

    My main point was more about consistency/reliability (not accuracy) of this blacklisting (i) accross devices (same answer should be expected whether you use iPhone, iPad, android phone/tablet, Mac, Pc...) and (ii) accross f-secure solutions (Freedome app, Sense...).

    Concerning blacklisting reporting of false positive I did not know this link and reported initially by email from the Sense app. Following your feedback I also sent same through your link web page...

    My point was not only about reporting (which should be an easier (one click) solution to provide feedback on such (potentially) false blacklisting directly from the blocking page) but also more about giving clear (even if finally wrong) background rational to better assess my risk (and eventually trigger an additive feedback to improve blacklisting « accuracy » over time).

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