F-secure safe and Ziggo Safe online

HL4 Posts: 3 New Member

Ziggo has in use internet security "Safe Online and Safe online L". As I understood this is also a product of F-secure.  My license for f-secure ends 26-5-2018. The license for Ziggo Safe online is also active. Schould I stop the lisence of f-security in order to prevent collisions between both applications?


  • HL4
    HL4 Posts: 3 New Member

    So I also can remove F-secure ( for 3 devices protected) and use Safe online L ( 5 devices protected) instead. I also have Safe online activated at Ziggo for 5 devices. Do I need to uninstall f-secure on every  individual device ?  What about Windows defender? Also deactivate or remove?

  • HL4
    HL4 Posts: 3 New Member

    So I also can remove F-secure ( for 3 devices protected) and use Safe online L ( 5 devices protected) instead. I also have Safe online activated at Ziggo for 5 devices. Do I need to uninstall f-secure on every  individual device ?  What about Windows defender? Also deactivate or remove?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    So I also can remove F-secure ( for 3 devices protected) and use Safe online L ( 5 devices protected) instead. I also have Safe online activated at Ziggo for 5 devices. Do I need to uninstall f-secure on every  individual device ?  What about Windows defender? Also deactivate or remove?



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    I think that it should not be possible to install both solutions (F-Secure SAFE and "Safe Online") under one system. If it is possible - a little be strange. :)

    With my feelings - there are sidegrade/compatibility checks and ask for uninstalling 'certain solution' before installing another one.


    But if your experience about both installed solutions. And both are about one design (so, "Safe Online" with all needed security features) -- yes, should be possible to uninstall F-Secure SAFE (after expiration, for example). And start to use "Safe Online" instead.


    Uninstalling F-Secure is not about 'stop' licence time count. So, it will be still active licence. And will expired as it was stated (with its information). In general, if your licence is expired (or you do not want to use F-Secure SAFE anymore) - yes, need to uninstall F-Secure on each device (where you want to replace it).


    Usually, with installing F-Secure solutions (even if it is branded) -- Windows Defender will be disabled automatically.



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