IS 2012 Slow start up - WIN XP SP 3

alconsvr Posts: 26 Observer

Hi all,


Just started (last week) to have a very slow start up. Process mon(SysInternals) bootlog, shows a lot of FSGK/FSSM etc activity during boot sequence. Automatic update seems to also be active too early(but I might be wrong!). Disconnecting the network before boot doesn't make any difference. Long wait on welcome screen. I note that a similar issue was supposed to have been fixed in SR1




  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    Today i have visited my parents and they got the same problem. The System needs a cupple of minutes that it can be used.

    They have Windows XP too.

    I have check the settings of F-Secure and i saw that the Firewall has stopped and the System needs a reboot. 

    After the reboot the Firewall Service wouldn´t start.

    So i have uninstalled F-Secure and installed it again. It seems, that after the reinstall the System works a little bit better and the Firewall Service works now. I commissioned my parents to start the system every day for some minutes (normaly they don´t use the pc every day) and on wednesday i check the pc again.



  • i have windows vista, since i have changed my anti virus from virgin media to F- secure my start up is so slow  is this normal with F-secure anti-virus?

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    No. Maybe Virgin Media Security hasn't been completely removed. Check out this thread:


  • if i try deleting old virgin media anti virus again will it delete f secure anti virus as well

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