Restarting XFENCEDaemon without rebooting the machine

as a security measure, the XFENCE kernel extension will not let XFENCEDaemon reconnect if it is killed. In theory you can unload the XFENCE kernel extension if XFENCE is disabled and no process has an active client session to the kernel session. Thus if XFENCE is disabled (or you manage to disable it from the UI) you may be able to do the following from a Terminal:
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.fsecure.XFENCEUserAgent.plist
sudo kextunload -b com.fsecure.XFENCE
The XFENCEDaemon should then restart within 10 seconds and re-load the kext. You can then reload the UI process by doing "launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.fsecure.XFENCEUserAgent.plist.
BUT here's the catch: even if you do manage to restart XFENCE this way, XFENCE does not work properly if it's not loaded immediately at system boot (it's designed to run before any processes are launched). In this state you can enable and disable XFENCE and change settings, but it will not be able to properly identify your processes, and as such most of your rules will probably not work. So I don't know how much help this is to you.
Your safest bet is to reboot to get XFENCE into a working state.
Rasmus Sten
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team