Internet Security deleting Google Drive temp files and compiled .c files!

Matheos Posts: 1 New Member

Hello! I have recently experienced problems with F-Secure Internet Security and google drive. The thing is, that when I launch my computer and Google Drive starts syncing stuff, it firstly downloads a file with the extension ".tmp.drivedownload" or something like that and then it somehow uses that file to sync the rest of the file.. I don't know exactly how it works though. 

Anyway, when Drive first places these temp files in the Drive folders F-Secure sometimes removes them instantly which causes the sync to fail because the files are required to sync... This is very annoying and I have had to make an F-Secure Exception for the Drive folder... Very annoying!


Also about the .c files. Whenever I write a .c program and compile it, whatever it is, F-Secure thinks it's a virus and removes it... I have had to compile all my .c files in a folder which is excepted from F-Secure scan... 


Just thought you should know about these issues.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Maybe one option is to transfer noted example-files to F-Secure Labs:

    with more information and description about situation.


    Another option is contact direct F-Secure Support channels (chat or phone):

    Just like my own feedback:


    -> I did not use Google drive (but with experience about some of another cloud services or solutions with partly related view). I do not use it too much -> and with such experience -> I did not notice any false positive detections with process.


    Maybe your experience was about certain files (stored under Google Drive) which are detected/rated by F-Secure as harmful or potentially suspicious? Does F-Secure silently removes them? Or there was something like notification/prompt (still can be visible under "Recent Events" -> rightclick tray-picture and choose it under menu). Should be visible detection-name or so (also, maybe it is placed under Quarantine).


    -> What about compiling .c-files.... sounds strange. At least, with part that "whatever it is" compiled. But, also,  maybe good to re-check about detection-name (for proper understanding; and double-check that compiler or process does not add something more) or to contact F-Secure Labs/Support.

    Maybe it will be useful for all other users too.



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