Applications blocked from accessing files

FS Protection is concerned that "OAWrapper.exe" and "printfilterpipelinesvc.exe" are trying to alter and/or access my files. No further information about this specific situation is provided, which may cause concern to someone who doesn't know that OAWrapper.exe is part of Nvidia's Geforce Experience and is supposed to check and update files, and the second file is associated with Microsoft Print to PDF and disallowing it prevents the PDF from being created.
As far as I, and subsequent scans for malware, can tell, neither one is actual malware.
I'm running FS Protection 209 on Windows 10.
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user.
Did you mean that it is known situation that recent FS Protection 209 received fresh feature "Application control / Ransomware protection"?
And some of folders are protected by default (pictures/videos/music/desktop).
So, except noted example with WinRAR -> does it happened with default configuration?
If yes -> I'm also with experience about some 'false positive' notifications (but more often with my own configuration only); While with default configuration -> there was some specific situations when ONLY certain steps will provoke notifications (for example, certain file with certain directory by certain application with certain steps).
Also, as my own feedback -> I'm also think that notification with not enough view for decision (but I found that there are some steps to find more information). Just because it is technology preview -> maybe there will be some changes (?!).
Same happened with ScreenToGif 2.12 portable while I ran it straight from archive and tried to export recording to desktop. Made bug report. -