F-Secure Freedome for OS X

Urb Posts: 2 New Member

Why does theVPN not appear in System Preferences... >> Network?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions) and I'm not friendly with Mac platform.


    But... does it should be there? Based on 'place-name' -> expected that 'yes', but:


    -> does your experience about installed F-Secure Freedome and does it work?

    -> or does your experience about some troubles with Freedome and you tried to search places to fix it?






  • Urb
    Urb Posts: 2 New Member


    It is my believe that the Freedome should be visible in the Network settings, but it is not.

    It is visible in the taskbar though.

    In general I have no problem with Freedome:

    - It does not have any tangible influene on the network speed

    - At moments of heavy network load it can use up to 10%  (I will have to check this more) of the CPU capacity.

    If Freedome does what it is upposed to, it does it very well.

    A little more feedback from the programm to the user would be welcome.



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