Freedom account not working with the app

ot9 Posts: 1 New Member
  • Hey I bought freedom and it's been working great. The only problem is that when I logged into my account on your site it says that I'm not subscribbed but on my freedom app it says that it ends in september. I would like to share my account however I can't do anything when the app and your website don't work together. 


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Based on your description -> your subscription should be about "F-Secure TOTAL" solution.

    Does it like that?


    If yes -> I'm not sure does it possible to share Freedome part of TOTAL subscription but it should be possible (based on common sense). So, maybe good to re-check account credentials for My F-Secure Account (needed this ones what pinned to TOTAL subscription).


    If no -> maybe your subscription for F-Secure Freedome only (multi-platform type of subscription, for example). And if so -> most likely that My F-Secure Account is not pinned to Freedome solution.

    My F-Secure Account portal is used by F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure TOTAL currently. Where with F-Secure TOTAL -> Freedome is part of package (another part is SAFE).



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