Cant install FREEDOME VPN client on Mac OS X

tombensve Posts: 6 New Member

I've been running FREEDOME VPN client for a while. Suddenly out of the blue it will not start. I get some cryptic error when trying to start it.


So I downloaded the latest version, and installed. This installation failed and told me to contact support.


I deleted the old binary under applications and tried the installation again. It still failed with the same message to contact support.


Any suggestions ?


  • tombensve
    tombensve Posts: 6 New Member

    I tried the installation in a virtual machine running OS X, and that worked, but when starting FREEDOME the window was tiny and could not be changed. Trying to click on the few things that could be seen did not work. 


  • Hi tombensve,


    May I know what is the OS version of your Mac?


    I see you have already tried to reinstall but the issue persists. I would recommend to contact our support team via chat or phone as mentioned here in order to troubleshoot the issue further.


  • tombensve
    tombensve Posts: 6 New Member

    I'm running Sierra, 10.12.6. 


    The reason that I reinstalled it is that it just stopped working. Refused to even start. 


    I have no problems with other software or installing other software. I have plenty of space on disk, so that is not a problem either. The only software that to 100% fails is FreeDome!! Everything else works. 


    The fact that the software just stopped working out of the blue, and the fact that it is impossible to reinstall it makes me think that you have done a piss poor job of testing. I'm a software developer and I wouldn't be caught dead having done software working this poor. 


    And about your support: It's not what you'd expect. There is no chat so don't say chat. It doesn't exists. There is only a phone number to call, and that can only be called when I'm at work, while my computer is not, so that is not going to be easy to solve. 


    I have always thought that F-Secure was a serious company, but now I'm seriouslly wondering. 


    The simples solution is probably cancelling, demanding at least some of the subscription payment back, and choose another acutally working solution. There are tons of them out there. 



  • SecureFinn
    SecureFinn Posts: 5 Observer


    I disagree with you about Freedome.

    See my question with the title: MacOS High Sierra Freedome.pkg corrupt

    Maybe the solution therein helps you as well. I, at least, am now able rely on Freedome again Smiley Very Happy

  • Hi Tommy,


    I'm sorry to hear about your experience, but were you able to get in touch with our support?


    This issue definitely needs assistance from our support team to go through the logs and investigate further. If you would like me to escalate it to them in order to go through further investigation, I can help you with that. Please let me know.

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