Freedome can't connect to any locations

A couple of weeks ago Freedome started to fail to get connection to any locations. It will try to connect, tell that it is connected, start again connecting and so on endlessly. I haven't installed e.g. new antivirus sofwares, which could cause problems, and I have checked that Windows firewall allows Freedome to connect.
I have Windows 10 and Avira antivirus in use and previously there has been no problems.
try with deinstalling the Freedome TAP driver. It automatically reinstalls when you want to connect to a VPN again.
I have this problem since long time. There are some programms on my PC which have problems with Freedome when there are updates. F-Secure support gave me the tip and I use it since than.
So, open the decice manger and go to network adapers, there you find the Fredome TAP driver. Right click on it and seclect deinstall.
Next time you want to connect to a VPN it is automatically installed again. In my case I can connect to VPN within 4 seconds.