FS Protection PC Release 206
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This release containd following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:
- Common Component Framework 3.06.198
- Antivirus 17.206.125
- Browsing protection 2.206.7237
Fixed issues:
- Russian localization fixes (SAFE_BUG-01998/ CTS-100092), (SAFE_BUG-01997/CTS-100091), (SAFE_BUG-02008/CTS-100113)
Windows Security Center Reports fs protection Off when it is On (CTS-100079)
DG & AV Conflicting Block and Allow Entries (CTS-100277)
Wrong Symbol Can Be Shown for Tools Expansion & Collapse (CTS-99640)
Incorrect help pages shown on Main UI tabs (CTS-100202)
Delete for DeepGuard App and File Blocking Fails (CTS-100282)
Browsing Protection:
- Product update fails when banking session is active (CTS-100308)
SAFE_BUG-02028: No help for "Allowed and denied web sites" (CTS-100180)
Not sure, but feelings that scanning start be with some tweaks. For example, re-scan for recently (?!) scanned files with stable more 'cache'-hit. And Scan Wizard/scanning with brief work. Even after the long delay between scans.
// but also possible to suspect (by me) that I start to meet more crashes (or freezes) for Internet Explorer with updated BP-addon/extension. Maybe it based on another points (system's updates).. but it was not so often with recent days before TP206.