withholding my subscription code

actuaclly made a mutiple device subscription for f secure freedom for 1 year but didnt recieve the codes supposedly via my mail as stated (XXXXXXXXXXXXX@gmail.com) so please i will love it if the problems can be resolved for me ASAP because i have waited for almost 2 weeks. Thanks
EDIT: Removed PII
@warri1234 wrote:actuaclly made a mutiple device subscription for f secure freedom for 1 year but didnt recieve the codes supposedly via my mail as stated (YOURMAILADDRESS) so please i will love it if the problems can be resolved for me ASAP because i have waited for almost 2 weeks. Thanks
Good to remove/hide your mail-address from public available community.Then maybe possible to try contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example):
And Support Agents with abilities to perform investigation/check your subscription's information (or re-trigger confirmation letter).
Potentially -> maybe your subscription is not multi-platform, but pinned to AppStore. As noted under this knowledgebase article:
available two types of subscription.
Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions);