Can't use my subscription

@Majken wrote:Same thing for me! Paid for and money taken 24th October but I can not even log in. I am not paying one more time to log in! Are you cheating people out of money?
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions). As my own unofficial feelings.
I'm not sure that they are cheating people out of money (with more meanings than any other large or not large good companies and corporations) -> F-Secure design is about good usability - while there is still can be many troubles with some certain points.
Does your experience about F-Secure Freedome also (!?). If so -> does your experience not about F-Secure Total too (?).
If so -> did you try to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone):
If your experience only about F-Secure Freedome -> it should ask only for voucher/code - but not about credentials and ability to log-in (?!).
Does it possible to provide more information about:
-- what was purchased;
-- where you tried to login; place (website/software); platform OS.
-- does any confirmation/greetings letters from F-Secure with useless instructions about 'how to activate/start to use solution'?
@Majken wrote:When i log in and check my account it says i have a testperiod to january 2018! I have payed for a whole year and i want my money back!
Maybe there is misunderstanding;
You log in to "My F-Secure Account", right? And it was available already (get in to your account - at least - one of them). But does your experience about purchase F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure TOTAL? Because this portal/account is designed only for this solutions.
If your experience about purchase F-Secure Freedome (or F-SECURE TOTAL - where Freedome is part of package) -> there is not available certain portal for Freedome only.
Maybe your situation with next view:
--> your subscription is F-Secure Freedome (multiplatform OR appstore-based);
--> you tried to login under My F-Secure Account as trial-account for F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure TOTAL solution; This is explanation for 'expiration' date of your account under portal (trial time usually thirty days).
For activation your Freedome subscription required to know more points. But common advices:
--> follow instructions from F-Secure letters. With your certain experience you mark it as useless.
So, maybe this is valid statement. But good to know -> does any of this letters with Subscription-code (after purchase)?
If yes, this subscription-code should be indicator of multi-platform subscription (most likely).
If so -> activation for iOS (for example) is described there:
If 'subscription-key' is not known (or letter is not visible) -> good to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone) for clarification and retrieve (re-trigger confirmation-letter with subscription code):
With F-Secure TOTAL solution should be possible to install Freedome (from 'My F-Secure Account'-portal - which pinned to your subscription) and fill your credentials (login to portal) per request. It should be enough for activate Freedome (as part of F-Secure TOTAL package).
@Majken wrote:Does not work! It wants freedome -konto-ID and i want my money back! I am tired of this. Can you please refer me to "Getting my money back bc Freedome does not work" Please! Thankyou for trying to help
So called Freedome-Konto-ID should be 'subscription-license code' from mail-letter by F-Secure (after/with confirmation letters about purchase).
But looks like that F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone) is also needed. So required to contact them in order to proceed with your refund.
This step is also useful for retrieve/clarify status of your subscription (license-key/freedome-konto-id).
Maybe with workhours -> will be possible to receive official attention from F-Secure Staff.
But currently -> options are to re-check ability get talk with Support (?! or re-check information based on certain license provider). Based on this article:
We are happy to offer a 30-day money back guarantee for all purchases made on the F-Secure web site.
And if purchase made on the partner's websites (?!) - maybe required to contact them (for instructions/advices).
OR -> possible to try find letter (under your mail account) from F-Secure about your purchase (or confirmation-letters) - where can be noted your Subscription-code (activation-key) - which should be your "Freedome konto-ID".
Hi Shrewsbury,
The login option in Freedome is applicable if you have bought Total (which combines SAFE and Freedome). If you have purchased just Freedome, you can validate the product using the license code. You can follow the steps mentioned here if you have a Windows/Mac machine to activate Freedome.