Make it possible to block only an applications use of the network, instead of the entire application

In some cases user may trust an app for use locally but not if the app is connected to the network (the concern may be e.g. excessive data gathering).


For this kind of reasons it would be great if it was possible to choose to block only an applications use of the network, instead of the entire application.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,790 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user.


    If your words based on Windows-platform:


    --> I able to think that not possible to block entire application manually. Only if application is blocked by F-Secure.


    --> If application is blocked by F-Secure, but you want to allow it and restrict network usage... maybe it possible to do with Windows Firewall (used by F-Secure).

    So, to create certain rules for application with restriction about outbound/inbound connections (or any other tweaks) for this certain application.


    If your experience about another platforms - maybe it can be partly valid too.


    Does it potentially covered your request? Or there is something else?



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