Why I cannot get free for 12 months?

Alanwong46 Posts: 1 New Member



I have follow this website and creat an account, but my period is valid until 03/01/2018.
Can you give back 12 months to me?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Maybe situation based on points like:


    --> this promo-campaign is not valid anymore; not likely (because next point);


    --> limited to virgin-customers; not likely (because next point) but should;


    --> your account is not registered from this promo page (OR maybe was activated before?!);

    Or something was blocked during registration (scripts, cookies or something else) -> as result registration is not pointed to such promo.


    --> for clarification good to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels:


    I able to think that it should be possible to register and to get year. But not sure - if it will be valid later.



  • Hi Alanwong46,


    As Ukko has mentioned, are you a Virgin Media customer? In order to benefit from Virgin Media's offer, you will need to create a new account through the links provided by Virgin Media.


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