VPN server in Austria

Vienna Posts: 2 New Member

Hi, is there any plan for a VPN server in Austria? As F-secure Total subscriper it's really an issue when local protected content can't be accessed.


It has been requested by several users before: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/VPN-server-in-Austria/td-p/68048


  • Hi Vienna,


    Thank you for the request. We don't have currently plans for that virtual location. However, we always listen to our customer requests and if there is enough demand for a virtual location somewhere, we will certainly consider adding one there.

  • Vienna
    Vienna Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi, bad to hear this. Good product + no local VPN access point => Value = ZERO (for my usage)!

  • Ninette
    Ninette Posts: 1 New Member

    Same here. It decreases the value of the VPN for me, not having a server in Austria. For German speaking customers it makes more sense to have servers in German speaking countries, than in Poland or Spain. 

    Please think about it. 

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