Website detects freedome and rejects access

Until recently I was able to stream TV on demand from on my Android tablet. Now I get blocked by a message saying that content is not available outside Denmark.
I'm located in DK and used the f-secure server in Copenhagen and also tried to clear the apps cache and data as well as deactivating tracking. Nothing helps but closing down freedome and using the app without VPN.
This is very unfortunate as I often stream on unsecure wifi networks on the train and bus. Actually this was the main reason why I installed freedome.
How does detect the VPN connection and is there a workaround so I won't loose the safety or actually have to stop streaming from public WiFi?
Thanks in advance for input.
Heureka! No problem. I began to watch program Nak & ...
Sometimes the reason is copyright, but in this case? I don't understand.
Is this nature program important for you?
On -website is info:
kan ses i Danmark / alle lande.
How does it work with all the countries?
Detsamma Näsvis -
Maybe F-Secure Freedome with multiple IPs for certain Danmark-location (valid?! for Norway, for example). Like different datacenters/servers. As result, maybe some of them can be with DNS-servers outside of Danmark (example of concern). And with your tries - you hit it. But with re-connection (or another tries) possible to get proper work (like based on feedback under this topic). Just as potential suggestion.
Possible to re-check it with some online services or tools (when Freedome is Active and with restrictions).
How does detect the VPN connection and is there a workaround so I won't loose the safety or actually have to stop streaming from public WiFi?
I able to suspect that detection for VPN connection (packets) can be with different realizations. And this is should not be too much 'trouble' for service (if they do want it).
Not sure about reasons for such restrictions (but if it's not about something critical - possibly to contact and ask about ?! more friendly status for VPN-users). Because with your certain situation - you did use it for securing your connection (main reason of VPN).
But, maybe, should be enough to re-validate situation with Freedome Danmark connection. Does it indeed danske IPs? Maybe blocking based on something else (?! based on device or other things). Or with blocking only certain "IP" as blacklist it (for example, Freedome users do use service per small timeframe; For service is looks like that different users with one IP did this).
Hi guys
please write in english as your thoughts may be valuable for all of us 😀
If my problem is caused by f-secure setup for DK and freedome is using a nonDK IP, this certainly should be fixed by f-secure. I'll do some testing on a PC next week to verify. Will be easier than doing it on the tablet.
If is trying to protect their licenses then blocking VPN is the wrong solution. They may have blacklisted certain servers or figured out how to detect a VPN in general. Either way it undermines the whole idea of having a VPN connection.
I have submitted a service request to describing the issue.
I'll keep you updated.
Thanks so far.
PS: Any comments from f-secure itself in this thread will be appreciated
Hi all,
I have not been able to identify the source of my problem, but here is what I found out so far:
1. all the IP validation services I tried with freedome active returned the correct country code = DK --> f-secures servers are located in Denmark with a Danish IP.
2. The number of streams rejected in the Android app has decreased significantly since monday, but there still are streams that reject due to geo validation, even if the IP used for the approved streams is the same as for the rejected ones --> must be a coding error of some sort at DR.
3. I cannot reproduce the error on my win10 PC
4. I received an answer from DR's support saying:
"DR TV er ikke glad for VPN, da VPN'er også kan bruges til maskere, at man ikke er i Danmark når man ser det. Mange af vores udsendelser må vi ikke streame ude for landets grænser."
In English: DR TV does not like VPN, as VPN also can be used to hide that you are not in Denmark when you stream. Many of our broadcasts are not allowed for streaming outside the country"
Honestly, this answer does not make sense to me because it neither does answer my question nor explain what I experienced under bullet 1-3. My best guess is that they f...ed up last week and are now in the process of repairing it.
Anyway - I think it is rather arrogant to state "DR TV does not like VPN". I'm forced to pay a rather expensive media license regardless whether I use their services on mobile devices or not. The least I can expect is that their services allow me to maintain a suitable level of security. They are a public service company after all.