Call a website in Chrome shows "Internet access blocked" for 2 seconds

David78 Posts: 4 New Member



since some month I always see in Chrome the message "Your Internet access is blocked" for one or two seconds, when I open a new website. 

The problem exist only in Chrome. Firefox and IE are fine. When I deactivate F-Escure Internet Security  then chrome works fine. I have deinstalled and reinstalled Chrome and F-secure but he problem stays.


Both software are up to date. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64


Can someone help?





  • Hi David78,


    May I know if the error message is from F-Secure? Can we have the screenshot of the error message to understand it better?



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    Could you check Chrome's extensions > enable next to extension.
    Or something like that.
    If you are familiar with Win event logs, perhaps there is more information.


  • David78
    David78 Posts: 4 New Member

    Hi Lash,

    Chrome ist showing the error message:


    Your Internet access is blocked

    Firewall or antivirus software may have blocked the connection.


    Check your Internet connection
    Check any cables and reboot any routers, modems, or other network devices you may be using.
    Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings.
    If it is already listed as a program allowed to access the network, try removing it from the list and adding it again.
  • David78
    David78 Posts: 4 New Member

    Hi Näsäviisas,


    now "Browsing Protection by F-Secure" is the only running extension. But I can't deactive. When I do so, it still works. 


    In Win event log I have no idear what I have to search for.

  • David78
    David78 Posts: 4 New Member

    Hi Laksh,


    I could solve the problem. I deactivated alle f-secure components one by one. The problem was the firewall. I also had problems with other applications.


    So I reset the firwall to default. Everythings works fine now.


    Thanks for the help.




  • Glad to know it was helpful, David! Thank you for the update.

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