significant data usage by F-Secure on my Android phone

sonofvitruvius Posts: 2 New Member

i was suprised to find that F-Secure has used significant data on my Samsung Note 4 phone.  i don't believe this was ever the case before.  the only thing that has changed is that about one week ago, i changed internet service providers, from Bell to Rogers, here in Toronto.

Any ideas on why I am suddenly seeing significant data usage by F-Secure, and what can i do mitigate this?




  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    My ideas:
    - did you use WI-FI earlier?
    - and now more mobiledata? > significant usage
    - is there in new agreement with ISP (Rogers) max mobiledataquato? > reason why you worried?
    - for example max per month?
    - you can limit Freedome's data usage, but you are losing Freedome's benefits

  • sonofvitruvius
    sonofvitruvius Posts: 2 New Member

    have always used wifi, that's not the problem as I have unlimited at home

    my phone's data consumption is when not on wifi

    not sure if Rogers limits mobile data, will look into it

    i have a limited amount of phone data on my plan, always more than enough up until yesterday

    how to limit Freedome's data usage?

  • Hi sonofvitruvius,


    Please have a look at these articles here and here regarding network bandwidth usage in Freedome. Do you have App Security enabled in both Wi-Fi and mobile networks?


    What is the difference in data usage you see before and now?


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