Did a router check, incomplete??

Got this message after a router check test: Everything appears to be fine, but the check was incomplete


anyone else?  1st. post newbie. thank you


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    With my own experience all works good (as previously).


    Under spoiler not actual suggestions/words (not sure why I did read your topic and did not note most important meanings!).



    Did you mean something specific about 'incomplete'-state?

    OR how it possible to understand that "apears to be fine, but the check was incomplete"?


    With my experience (when all OK) there is:

    --> Logo picture with "Good"-mark;

    Words that all OK;

    --> table with rows (and two columns);

    All of them with information.

    For me ->  "Known public DNS server" do not contain value.


    Or Router Checker create such 'words' about incompleted check?

    So, maybe possible to re-check with another browser (or another device under current network).

    Does it also will be "Everything appears to be fine, but the check was incomplete" or not?




    // based on Google Search results... it may be based on certain configuration (maybe some security features or so). For example, topics with discussion related concern:


    As quote from topic (maybe should be visible under F-Secure Router Checker page with your experience too):

    Everything appears to be fine, but the check was incomplete
     You appear to be using a safe DNS server, but Router Checker was not able to reach a final verdict.
     Your DNS server is one that appears to be widely used or administered by your Internet service provider, but Router Checker could not complete its check. This doesn’t mean there’s a problem, but here are some things you can do if you want to play it safe:
     Ask people with access to your router (such as friends or family members) if they’ve installed software or adjusted settings that make changes to your Internet set-up.
     Reset your router so it returns to its factory settings. Please remember to change your router’s default password and disable any external administrator access privileges after the reset.
     Check the website of the router’s manufacturer for software updates.
     Run a virus checker such as F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure Online Scanner.
     Run Router Checker again.
     It might be a misdiagnosis if you complete these steps and Router Checker continues to give you the same result. 

    But I'm not sure that required any steps (if you do not think that something may be wrong with your router DNS-servers).

    Also - as clarification - I'm also only user of F-Secure solutions (not an official Staff).

  • Eddy101
    Eddy101 Posts: 2 New Member

    thank you for the reply

  • DickE
    DickE Posts: 1 New Member

    Me too. DickE

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