Scanning Microsoft Outlook PST files

Below is the scanning report of an Outlook PST-file.
Question: How do I now identify the offending e-mail or its attachment?
I was scanning the forum and found this entry:
I am afraid this is not a feasible solution for me - the PST files is > 1 GB. In addition, it contains critical information that I wouldn't want to miss. As the posted suggestion dates from 2013 I was wondering if there wasn't an update on it. Surely the program that identifies the threat within the PST file must 'know' what it currently scans and where within the PST file it is - however the logfile doesn't include that information. I am happy to remove the offending item manually but I need a starting point.
Alternatively - is there a F-Secure Safe Outlook plugin that I could run from within Outlook to scan the PST-file?
- 09 November 2017 13:20:24 - 13:27:33
- Scan type: Scan for viruses
- Target: "\\NAS1730B4\Archive\Backup ARB 20161112\Documents\Outlook Files\Archive\2010 - HY1.pst"
- Items scanned: 1
- Harmful items found: 1
- \\NAS1730B4\Archive\Backup ARB 20161112\Documents\Outlook Files\Archive\2010 - HY1.pst: Skipped
Following the recommendations I exported of all the e-mails with attachments to the file system (copy and paste) and then did a scan on these files. That worked fine and identified the offending attachments. I could then go back to the contents of the PST file and remove these attachments.
So far so good. I would still encourage F-Secure to come up with a way to provide the "context" (i.e. the specific e-mail details) whenever a PST file is being scanned and provide that "context" in the logfile of the scan so that the user could manually remove any offending attachments.