FSecure.Ink - banking protection

My home system worked perfectly well offering the banking protection whenever I went onto my bank website. The Green line edged banner showing until I closed it on completion. Now it appears to have disappeared? When I go onto a bank website, there is nothing....its just like opening any other website.
My FSecure Security page shows three out of the four protections are working....the "browser extension is not installed or turned off" is the message showing there is no protection.
Going into settings > Browser extensions...it shows my box is ticked allowing for browser extensions to remain on with IE and Firefox. I am currently using Google Chrome though...is this the problem? My banking protection settings look good too.
I have checked Google Chrome > more tools > extensions... and FSecure is listed and enabled. So where next?
I'm also only F-Secure user (their Home solutions). So, only as unofficial suggestions:
Also good to know: Google Chrome build number (which version); For situation - if there trouble based on Chrome changes.
-> How I able to think: F-Secure Banking Protection should not be related with status of extension (even it can be another trouble with 'browsing extension is not installed or turned off').
So, good to re-check that, for example, what will be with try to open next URL: https://nordea.no (it should trigger Banking Protection).
-- If Banking Protection is triggered with noted URL; Good to re-check that your bank website still with HTTPS and indeed valid domain. If so, possible to transfer URL to F-Secure SAS (to choose option about "more information" and provide explanation that Banking-related situation).
-- If Banking Protection did not work with noted URL too. Good to re-check that with another browsers it also did not work (if installed Firefox; or under Internet Explorer; OR Microsoft Edge with recent Windows);
Hi Jan50,
Welcome to F-Secure Community, and thank you for your first post.
Regarding the "browser extension is not installed or turned off" notification, using Chrome should not be a problem, as in addition to IE and Firefox also Chrome is supported browser. However that notification is related to the system default browser.
As you are using Chrome, please verify if it's set to system default browser, and also check from the Chrome's extensions list that Browsing Protection by F-Secure is installed and enabled. If the extension is not there, please follow the solution steps here.
Regarding the disappeared banking protection flyer, if the problem is still there, please restart your computer and see if that helps.