F-Secure SAFE does not disable Windows Defender

steel8 Posts: 7 Observer

Hello all!


I'n running Windows 10 1703. I noticed that my computer completely froze at some points. When I looked in the control panel, I saw both F-Secure SAFE and  Windows Defender were enabled at the same time! Apparently, Windows Defender does not recognize F-Secure SAFE sometimes (and Windows Defender enables the real-time protection) and does not disable itself which leads to extreme conflicts. The strange thing is that the control panel recognizes F-Secure at all times. I have reinstalled F-Secure SAFE (I think 3 times now) (also tried the uninstaller tool) but it does not help. I later tried installing another antivirus, which successfully disabled Windows Defender automatically - the problem seems to be with F-Secure. I'm unable to use F-Secure products until this issue is fixed. Some people say you should disable Windows Defender manually in the registry, but you're not supposed to have to do that. Please fix it.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    With my own experience -> F-Secure does disable Windows Defender during installation (and/or during work).


    But I'm also with experience about such meanings (even 'froze'-state too). And this experience about FS Protection (technology-preview/beta of F-Secure SAFE).

    I did some reports about situations (with fsdiag and description) for their investigation. Currently -> I did not get this during pretty large count of days (and already with Windows 10 1709).


    Based on my own feelings - all of such situations was partly related with temporary disabling FS Protection (or other situations -> when Windows 10 automatically turn ON Windows Defender or tried to do it). Then during this session or with next launch of system WAS impact. But I'm not sure.. because I noticed 'freeze' (or trouble) just randomly.


    I able to think that if you're able to repeat this troubles - good to contact F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example):


    For their own investigation or good advices.


    AND/OR maybe it can be fixed with beta/technology-preview builds and under 'testing' currently (if not available for stable state). My systems with stable F-Secure SAFE not so often 'in use' directly by me - so I do not able to provide any experience about such trouble.



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