Cannot unlock blocked website after latest update

bloke1968 Posts: 8 Observer

Since of today I cannot unlock the following website:


After the latest update I could unlock other blocked websites but not that one. Not feeling safe to use a programme that decides what I visit and don't visit and what next, blocking political websites decided by F-secure?


  • bloke1968
    bloke1968 Posts: 8 Observer

    I cannot use the internet after the latest update and had to contact the broadband supplier and end my subscription from f-secure and turn to another one. What a joke this poxy little finnish firm is and they are now worse than Nokia so drink some vodka and go into the sauna and stay there the lotta ya.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Why it not possible to unlock/allow this website?

    as addition: your noted URL (with my experience) rated as harmful-website.

    So, if you're sure that there is false-positive (wrong rating) -> possible to use F-Secure SAS:

    Then F-Secure Labs able to re-rate page and provide some feedback/explanation.


    After such action will be not required to use local steps for allow website (which should be possible).



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @bloke1968 wrote:

    I cannot use the internet after the latest update and had to contact the broadband supplier and end my subscription from f-secure and turn to another one. What a joke this poxy little finnish firm is and they are now worse than Nokia so drink some vodka and go into the sauna and stay there the lotta ya.



    Basically, F-Secure do provide abilities to rule their software. And with abilities to choose own decision (at least) about web-filtering/browsing protection.


    Maybe it can be with differences - when we talk about customized/branded F-Secure solutions (but not likely). Since it's not a ISP or something else - where required not designed steps. this is software with certain features and settings which possible to use.


    Also if you will switch to another solution - do note to which one. I'm also only F-Secure user and it can be interesting for me (as I do like to use some other security solutions as my own experience).



  • bloke1968
    bloke1968 Posts: 8 Observer

    There is no way to unblock it like for other websites also considered harmful. It is a bug in the new update which means the security programme is insecure and useless to the users that pay money for it.


    Maybe F-secure should remove all the blocking and start over again. People cannot even access websites they have shopped things from for centuries.


    I no longer have F-secure and I am very glad for that cause now it is working a charm and much faster as well. It also found isses F-secure never alerted me to.

  • bloke1968
    bloke1968 Posts: 8 Observer

    I could not in any way shape or form allow the website. I could do that with other harmful websites. It is clearly a bug in the update and maybe someone is being paid money to class certain websites as harmful when they are not and many like me have used that website for many years without any issues. That website just provides links so the website itself has no way of being a problem to users.


    The programmes it links to are never harmfulm and if a problem occured f-secure programme always alerted me. All the ways you can use to unblock it does not work in this case.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my long reply. Possible do not read it. But just as discussion under community. I able to feel your opinion and feelings. I'm also F-Secure user and some other software (so I do able to feel when they do act wrongly for me).


    With common situation (recent update for stable F-Secure IS/SAFE solution is 17.0-build) should work like this:


    --> You're open certain website under browser.

    This page rated as harmful or suspicious by F-Secure Security Cloud (such rating can be based on internal or external databases). Or page is restricted by local (user's) rules and settings for related feature as filtering certain categories of webpages (Content Blocker, Family Rules, Parental Control).


    --> F-Secure installation do trigger blockpage under HTTP-connection (if you do use supported browser and Browsing Protection extension is installed -> under HTTPS-connection too). As prevention to access to 'known' malicious pages (can be false positives - but usually based on exploiting service by someone else; while with 'restricted' content as categories - can be false positive with full meanings).

    Such blockpage should be with button "Allow website". When you do use it -> domain is whitelisted for you.

    Also blockpage with URL to F-Secure SAS (F-Secure Labs) as ability to inform F-Secure that they do rate webpage wrongly. And domain will be whitelisted for all.


    --> Also possible to use settings under F-Secure UI. Where possible to navigate from Main UI to "Tools"-tab (or under "Settings) and choose "Allowed and denied websited". Where possible to allow any domain or block any domain which users would like. Such rules should work and with try to visit harmful/suspicious/restricted-rated pages - will be not visible any blockpages (domains are allowed).


    --> Also possible to disable/turn off any of such features. Possible to turn off "Browsing Protection" (OR protection against illegal-rated OR protection against suspicious-rated pages). Also possible to disable Content Blocker (Family Rules/Parental Control).

    Probably your experience about broken/trouble (as you call it - "bug") with Allow-button (?!) - when it not work? But all of known such troubles was fixed (or was possible to fix it by restart system as example). And all other options should work anyway.


    So, basically, I feel that it's can be not really good situation and so. But there was/is certain user's control and decision to rule this software.


    Do you able to note to what solution you are switched? I will check some of my own systems about potential fresh findings.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    bloke1968 wrote:

    I could not in any way shape or form allow the website. I could do that with other harmful websites. It is clearly a bug in the update and maybe someone is being paid money to class certain websites as harmful when they are not and many like me have used that website for many years without any issues. That website just provides links so the website itself has no way of being a problem to users.


    The programmes it links to are never harmfulm and if a problem occured f-secure programme always alerted me. All the ways you can use to unblock it does not work in this case.

    So.. strange that it was possible with other websites, but not with this one. But I'm not sure how update related there (but do you mean that this certain website was blocked by F-Secure blockpage?! Or view of website was broken even after allowing it?).


    I'm not sure that anyone able to paid money to class certain websites as harmful (since most likely it possible to do and do not paid money). But if you talk about your noted URL (under another thread). For example, under such domain time to time are marked as phishing-website by some of companies:

    By Google (as example).


    Then it can be with 're-rate' and then back. For example, next URL was rated as "Phishing" by Google under virustotal some days/weeks before today (when all OK already):


    And usually websites can be safe, good and valid - but their developers or administrators (or owners) do not control it's security/configuration. And certain good website can be hacked/exploited (by vulnerable modules/design or misconfiguration).

    For example, recent story about DDE exploit do use 'valid/safe' pages as src for downloading payload. Most likely  - pages was hacked and then exploited for such reasons.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    By the way -> by "latest" update did you mean something as recent days?


    Just because -> I re-check with my own laptop and F-Secure SAFE installation (where today  installed fresh update for Online Safety module) and I also able to repeat such troubleview (even I not tried it some days/weeks before - if it was broken too).

    Even for ALL (any?!) websites -> not possible to unblock websites (by most of steps).


    If your experience about too much recent 'latest' update - so there maybe something fresh than we discuss previously (and where you place your some of first replies). With such situation good to contact F-Secure Support Channels directly (probably).



  • bloke1968
    bloke1968 Posts: 8 Observer

    Despite using the allow webpage button it does not unblock it for the particular website mentioned above. So far that is the only one but I suspect there are more. I have also placed the website address in the list of not blocked websites but still it won't allow it.


    F-secure are running errands for large scale companies in the tv industry and are blocking what they consider illegal websites but they are not illegal to use by visitors of the page. 


    F-secure have turned themselves into a police state within the police state. They will probably start blocking political websites they do not agree with as a next step.


    F-secure has ended the idea of a free internet and are therefor in breach of international laws and free speech. By doing this they will create powerful enemies online. Therefor I refuse to use their services cause hackers will likely target them soon.


    The latest update was sent out in the past 2 days.

  • bloke1968
    bloke1968 Posts: 8 Observer

    I have received information that mentioned website above now can be reached again. But this incident removed all my trust in F-secure and I will not use their service in future and is very happy with the new one. That allowed me to leave the broadband supplier I had which only offered high prices for 1000 MB connection and now I have that at only half the price so thank you F-secure for making me move on to better things.


    Next time you update something please check it more thorough.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I still able to feel that your conclusion can be wrong. I do not mean technical troubles with 'exclude/allow' this certain website (or as with my own current experience - ANY of blocked websites). But reasons for block it.


    I do not able to be sure that F-Secure do act as company who will 'block' certain website based on such thoughts. Maybe it common situation for US-based companies (or some other locations) - but Helsinki-based company probably able to receive profits by more good and interesting valid ways (and many other companies who with tries to provide good service). Just as my own feelings (with some limitations about such statement). At least, you freely uninstalled it (which should not be so 'easy' with situation - which you tried to describe).


    And as my own unofficial suggestion (I'm only F-Secure user and not F-Secure staff or something like this):

    F-Secure able to use own databases/research-results AND third-party common databases.

    Most likely... quite often... such false-positive ratings for domains/websites based on third-party databases (as automatic process). Why this website added to some of their partners (?!) is not clear. It can be reasonable or not (I placed some of my thoughts about potential reasons for it already). And experience with third-party common databases can be important for security company - because there quite many 'real' malicious, harmful, phishing, rogue and trick websites/domains (that not possible to track it only by own research).


    Quite likely -> that F-Secure Labs will re-rate this page/website after transfer it to them. As false positive.

    This should be as addition to 'valid' design about allow website by related settings/features (which did not work with your experience based on something).

    and as my conclusion:


    -- probably indeed there technical trouble (bug?!) with Allow-design and some of recent updates.

    It start be broken or not work about certain module. But randomly (by mistake) or with certain configuration.

    And indeed not clear (if it like this) - why it not detected before release.


    -- sorry for my ask. Your current experience about what kind of security solution? I usually with tries to check other security solutions (and not all of them can be with proper view for 'my control this software').

    Or since your experience was about branded/customized F-Secure solution from broadband/ISP --> you replaced it by something similar to it (solution also provided by ISP/Broadband)?



  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager



    We are investigating this. Ukko, did the problem go away after restarting the PC?


    We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Cale wrote:



    We are investigating this. Ukko, did the problem go away after restarting the PC?


    We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.





    If we talk about trouble from my replies. Trouble did not go away after restarting the PC (when trouble was actual), but it fixed already (with current day... of course, if trouble is not back). I did reply with more information under another topic and with next result:


    after some hours from report (three maybe) -> my installation did receive CCF Basic update and it's fixed situation. But there was small trouble with "allow"-button (did not react at all) under one of system and such point 'go away' after restarting system.


    AND I'm not sure about meanings from bloke1968's replies. Because it can be about another troubles (or/and with another reasons).



  • jorel19
    jorel19 Posts: 1 New Member

    i m facing the same issue  can anyone got the solution ?  

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