false avast

I able to think that maybe Bittorrent installer was with certain bundle (offer) during installation steps.
For example, I randomly found analysis for uTorrent-installer (under one of websites like virustotal.com) where was visible that during installation it was pre-configured about offer for Lavasoft (?!), where Bittorent as partner. Since Lavasoft company (at least previously) also about security solutions -> maybe your experience was about Bittorrent/Avast friendship.
If it was not possible to uncheck such option (installing 'Avast') or Bittorent do not explain it good --> maybe possible to transfer this installer to F-Secure SAS:
Because F-Secure Labs with certain policy about Potential Unwanted Applications:
@crashvirus wrote:
after an audit on my part it comes well the installer is can disable the instalation of avastSounds good!
But my reply probably it not solution. Because this reply:
more valid for solution (described 'potential' reasons and 'potential' fix steps).
My reply only about addition feelings.