
seventhson Posts: 2 New Member

When my laptop starts up i get the following message:


there was an unsuccessful attempt to change the latest policy version


Should i be worried? Am I infected?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Good to know more information:


    --> Your experience about what kind of F-Secure solutions?

    And platform/OS.


    --> """there was an unsuccessful attempt to change the latest policy version""" does this comes as window/pop/notification or something else. Does it system's notification or by F-Secure?


    Sorry if such notification is something well-known.



  • seventhson
    seventhson Posts: 2 New Member

    It is running under windows10 (upgrade from Windows7)


    F-secure is a service from my internet provider KPN (dutch) so i have no clue  about what kind of F-Secure solution it is....


    It comes up as a pop up ( small blue box)



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @seventhson wrote:

    It is running under windows10 (upgrade from Windows7)


    F-secure is a service from my internet provider KPN (dutch) so i have no clue  about what kind of F-Secure solution it is....


    It comes up as a pop up ( small blue box)





    Sorry for ask. 'small blue box' under Windows 10 can be as system notification. Even - it can be about/by F-Secure too (should be branded F-Secure AV/IS/SAFE). Or it visible that such pop-up from F-Secure solution?

    Maybe possible to capture the screenshot of this pop-up?


    OR does next words:

    there was an unsuccessful attempt to change the latest policy version

    is certain quote? Or your experience about localized Windows for Holland (and it can be with another direct words)? I just do not able to find something under some search engines (but sounds as something quite common).




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