New user interface: Status page not accessible, user a accounts not shown ...

wm2017 Posts: 3 New Member

The new GUI does not provide the former tab "status", the status page is unaccessible, the page "browser protection" does not provide the user accounts (which actually exist and work fine).

Anybody any idea?




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @wm2017 wrote:

    The new GUI does not provide the former tab "status", the status page is unaccessible, the page "browser protection" does not provide the user accounts (which actually exist and work fine).

    Anybody any idea?



    About "Browsing protection" does not provide the user accounts - this situation based on changes with design.

    Currently settings applied for all accounts (or basic features); And things like time-limits/content blocker start be is remotely controlled by My F-Secure Account portal (where possible to set up "kids profiles" and main profile with their own settings);

    Do you feel something wrong about it? Such as -> previous 'design' is broken for you with 'drop'-status for some of important features?




    About "Status"-page - what do you mean by "the status page is unaccessible"?

    Previous "Status page" was main page with common information and probably current "AV"-tab with related information too.

    Or do you mean "Statistics"-tab (with count of scanned files and files under DeepGuard storage)?



  • wm2017
    wm2017 Posts: 3 New Member



    OK, the status button is not actually needed and the statistics button merely is a nice-to-have.


    However, at least the German version of the online manual is misleading with respect to 'Browsing Protection' and particularly 'Activation of Online Banking Protection'. See items #1 and #2 (doublets?):  'Select Windows account ...'


    ... Do you feel something wrong about it? Such as -> previous 'design' is broken for you with 'drop'-status for some of important features?


    Yes, I do miss the dropped feature (setting Windows accounts individually).


    Thank you very much for your support. 


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Just as clarification: I'm also only F-Secure user (and not an official F-Secure staff). So - my words more as unofficial suggestions/feelings.


    Do you talk about F-Secure Internet Security (and not F-Secure SAFE)? Because with F-Secure IS can be another design (partly).


    And about "Statistics"-tab --> with technology preview (beta) release (where such changes comes): was some potential meanings that it can be with 'back'-status as more improved statistics information. But MAYBE such feature is postponed. At least, I did not read any feedback under community; And I'm not sure that there is clear "what kind of statistics" can be useful and helpful. So, maybe you're able to place your own feelings about what kind of statistics can be useful for you.

    With my feelings: previous things like "count of scanned files" can be interesting, but not really helpful (while there is ALL OK with scanning feature); And "items under DeepGuard"-storage also not so useful, because it possible to check under DeepGuard storage directly (blocked applications or exclusion list); Or with recent events. 

    And about Online Documentations. Did you use such website (?):

    If yes, maybe good to re-check 'build-in' Help with installed F-Secure solution (by choose (?) or [Help] with any of UI-windows).


    Yes, I do miss the dropped feature (setting Windows accounts individually).

    Basically, still possible to configure such design.


    Does it about certain options or with all of them (?). Things like "Time Limits" or "Content Blocker" still should be available with different view.

    Some other feature probably can be with 'one view' between any of user accounts.


    But good to get clarification from F-Secure. Also sorry for my long reply and 'strange explanation'.


    Good if you able to write feedback and certain 'requirements' -> maybe possible to help you with proper configuration (even with fresh UI).



  • wm2017
    wm2017 Posts: 3 New Member

    Hi Ukko,


    I like detailed feedback much more than meaningless replies. So, thank you very much for your effort Smiley Happy. Also, I was aware that you are not a F-Secure staff member.


    I go along with you with respect to 'helpful' statistics. Usually it depends on the issue in question.


    Yes, banking protection is part of F-Secure Internet Security. Actually, the documentation which came with my software proved different from the documentation on the website which does not refer to user accounts any more. Obviously, the 'built-in' documentation is outdated :-(


    Nevertheless I'd appreciate a feature allowing for individual account settings. I'll contact F-Secure and explain my problem.  


    Many thanks for your advice!  Smiley Happy  

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