How to fix Security cloud malfunction error

On OS X SAFE is now showing error icon and there is a messsage "Security cloud malfunction".
I tried to re-install but that did not solve the problem.
When I Option+click on the icon and select Cloud diagnostics then it opens browser to https://localhost:49162/diag/dump/ but there is nothing running there.
Is there a log file somewhere that shows what goes wrong?
How to solve this problem?
My problem was not the same.
I was able to solve the problem because I noticed that Security Cloud Diagnostics tried to open diagnostics page using HTTPS. OrspService was running OK but it just was not reachable.
I fixed my issue with the following steps:
1. I opened ~/Library/Cookies/HSTS.plist with xcode
2. I removed entry for localhost and saved the file
3. Restarted
It should be OK also to delete ~/Library/Cookies/HSTS.plist file and restart if editing is not possible.