Loss of subscription during Renewal

Blreng Posts: 4 New Member

I have recently renewed my annual subscription.

My renewal date has now changed from 8/11 to 9/10 which means i have lost one months subscription.


Anyone else ?



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Maybe possible to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone):



    And ask them about 'internal check' for your subscription/license-status (if there was common steps for renewal process and with no other changes);


    But just as my own unofficial suggestion:


    -> Does it can be that previous 'date'-state was with "trial month included";


    While your fresh 'renew' should not break such meanings - if you did not use your trial time.... but as potential explanation. Like if "12 months + trial month" license (but switched to "12 months").


    Previously was different topics with suggestions that 'remaining' days will save (add to fresh time) during renewal operation. Good if will be official clarification or response by F-Secure staff.



  • Blreng
    Blreng Posts: 4 New Member

    Support is not available except for Telephone which I will not use.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Blreng wrote:

    Support is not available except for Telephone which I will not use.



    Sorry for ask (I'm also only F-Secure user).

    Do you mean 'on current time' (as "Chat is currently unavailable"-state for chat-window)?

    Or just not possible to see "chat"-option under your browser?


    If first one: I placed "home_global" F-Secure website and with local F-Secure websites (for example, F-Secure Danmark) there should work design about workhours (listed under page for "phone"-support, but marked as valid for chat too);

    While with "home_global" possible to get 'available'-status of chat with unexpected local time.

    So, possible to re-check time to time such page; Or will try "work-hours" under your local F-Secure website;


    If second one: maybe some addons/extensions or settings will restrict/block certain scripts and chat-window is not visible under page.

    Possible to re-check some browsers or re-check that page is loaded as expected.


    I did suggest to contact direct Support Channel about subscription/license as potential 'brief' step (when chat/phone is available); But it also possible to get official response under F-Secure Community; I able to think that F-Secure Community Managers/Moderators able to do so with workdays/workhours.




  • Hi Blreng,


    As Ukko has suggested, its best to get in touch with our support in order to investigate on your subscription renewal date issue.


    You can find our chat support as mentioned here. Are you able to get in touch via chat?

  • Blreng
    Blreng Posts: 4 New Member

    Chat is always “unavailable”

  • Hi Blreng,


    I have now escalated this post to our support team so that this can be investigated further. One of our support team member would get in touch with you via email to move forward.


  • Blreng
    Blreng Posts: 4 New Member

    The problem has bee resolved, thank you

  • Appreciate the update, Blreng! Happy to know the issue is resolved.

This discussion has been closed.