Subscription renewal nag screen

Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

Good afternoon


I am constantly receiving the subscription renewal nag screen. I still have thirty-eight days to go. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this very annoying and very intrusive nag screen? It is unacceptable that this screen constantly displays.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my ask. I'm also only F-Secure user.


    Do you mean by "this screen constantly displays" that it not possible to minimize/hide/postpone?

    OR it possible to close/hide/postpone such dialog/window, but it appears later (?!). And does it with F-Secure logos or so (not a system notification or something else) like 'notification'-window-state?


    If second option -> maybe such screen with limitations about 'constantly'-status.

    If I normally remember: should be with ?! each start load system or restart system (maybe with delay about some hours); And with 'common usage' it can be only 'once per day'; With less 'count' of days.


    Situation that it start before 'month' or so -> maybe based on such points:

    (where we able to read words that possible to renew subscription ""... 45 days before license expiry, if you purchased the product online; ..."")

    I'm not sure about any official and designed steps to 'ignore' such notification totally.

    Maybe it possible to contact direct F-Secure Support Channel (chat/phone) and ask them about certified advice:


    With another meanings:


    --> Do you plan to renew F-Secure subscription?

    If yes -> how I remember -> current 'days' (thirty-eight days) should be with save status and renewal time start later.


    BUT Maybe with limitations (or exceptions); And possible to re-ask Support Agents (by chat/phone) for clarification such point (what will be if you "renew it today... does still valid days will add to your fresh subscription time or not"). There was such topic with some statements:


    If you do not plan to renew F-Secure Subscription.... maybe good to know:


    -- how often you got this screen per day?


    Maybe F-Secure able to improve such setting/situation.



  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Ukko


    Yes I want to stop it from displaying. It should have a tick box that can be selected that says 'Tick to stop displaying this message' or something similar.  It pops up everytime I connect to the internet and numerous times during the day. F-Secure should and must give you the option of being able to stop it from displaying.


    I did not purchase the product online. I purchased it via a compant called ISA based in Sandton, South Africa. They always email me a renewal quote during November.


    This type of behaviour from a product does not encourage me to continue using it. It has the opposite effect.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Yes I want to stop it from displaying. It should have a tick box that can be selected that says 'Tick to stop displaying this message' or something similar.  It pops up everytime I connect to the internet and numerous times during the day. F-Secure should and must give you the option of being able to stop it from displaying.

    So.. just as clarification -- I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions) -- and it will be my own feelings/suggestions.


    But it possible to re-check some meanings with Support channels (Chat/phone) OR can be response/attention by F-Secure staff under community-board too (later).


    What I able to think about current description:


    --> F-Secure own 'renewal' reminder about certain 'window'-notification. Such window should be with button "Close" or so. When you choose it -> it should not re-create 'window' too much briefly;

    This is daily reminder (each day 'fresh count of remaining days')


    --> Maybe it should not be visible many times per day (but it's possible based on certain steps; like log-out/log-in with different user's account, for example; OR some other steps).

    With my feelings (about kind of 'common/expected' usage system) -> it should be 'once per day' with first session login (load system). Then can be limitations or exceptions (but I able to think that should be something as 'delay' for auto-reappear this window). 


    --> I'm not sure about designed/official possibilities to disable such daily 'renewal'-reminder fully.

    Except potential meanings with 'renew subscription' - if you do want renew it (your 'still active' days of current subscription should be added to fresh renewed time); But required official clarification.


    If do not plan to renew it (after expire-state or close to end of subscription time)..... probably indeed good to have ability 'check' something for stop displaying reminder (with expectation that we do remember 'soon expired state').


    As my own feedback: with current design --> what do you think: how many days can be enough for getting start to receive such reminder and when it will be not 'unwanted' for user? I mean currently -> it can be more than month of daily reminder.


    Such 'large' count of days can be logical - if we do not want to remember certain date of expiration (but good to have some days before 'random'-expired for being with still protected systems).


    But.. some other options like "postpone" reminder for some days (or disable/stop it) can be reasonable.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    In my experience, the subscription reminder screen has only ever displayed once daily on initial boot up. I'm not sure if that has changed, but I certainly don't think that it should be popping up intermittently throughout the day.


    One immediate solution, if you are intending to continue using the product, would be to renew the subscription. You would not lose any days, as the new subscription would start at the end of the old one. But, from what you have said, it may not be possible for you to do this.

  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    Just out of curiosity, is this normal F-Secure product or some special ISA-branded one? Is this Internet Security style voucher-based product or SAFE-style account-bound product? Sounds like the root problem is expiration nagging intervals do not match *at all* with how your vendor wants to sell you the product licenses

  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Nanonyme


    To the best of my knowledge they are the agents for F-Secure in South Africa. They sell the same genuine product which you can purchase direct from F-Secure. When I pay for my subscription the receipt and licence document has the F-Secure logo also it has links to various web pages on the F-Secure sight. The product installed on my PC and laptop gets all its updates from the F-Secure website.




  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Simon


    It always displays at least once a day. Depending on how long I am connected to the internet it displays more than once. This is random though but still annoying.




  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Ukko


    Yes postpone/disable/stop it are the options that I would expect the screen to have.




  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Simon


    The normal one.



    PhilipF-Secure Nag Screen.jpgF-Secure.jpg

  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder

    Okay, I doubt there's much more you can do than purchase the renew voucher right when it starts nagging. It won't start actually ticking until you insert it anyway. Don't remember how compensations work

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Just to clarify, a "pre-order" renewal, when added to an existing subscription, will not start "ticking" until the end of the existing subscription.  So you don't lose any days by renewing early to kill the nag screen.  :)

  • FlyingDutchman
    FlyingDutchman Posts: 9 Explorer

    Got the same problem, its very annoying. Smiley Frustrated

    I got to (02-02-2018) so f-secure do something about it.

    When this is not over till then, i will not take a renewel.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @FlyingDutchman wrote:

    Got the same problem, its very annoying. Smiley Frustrated

    I got to (02-02-2018) so f-secure do something about it.

    When this is not over till then, i will not take a renewel.



    Sorry for my ask (I'm also only F-Secure user), but did you mean that your experience about "Renewal"-notification/reminder before more than three months of expiration?

  • FlyingDutchman
    FlyingDutchman Posts: 9 Explorer

    Hello Ukko,


    I mean that i got that same screen,and that is very annoying.

    Because i`ve got to (02-02-2018) and i can`t stop that f-secure nagging screen.

    Sometimes it pops-up twice a day, and that`s not funny anymore. Smiley Mad

    So when this can not be repaired, then i will look for another antivirus program.

    Before f-secure i got bitdefender, and there were never such a nagging screen, only 2 weeks before

    ending of your subscription.

    And that`s the way it should be.

  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hello FlyingDutchman


    I agree with you that should only receive a notification two weeks before it expires. They should just send you an email.  I do not see why I must renew my subscription early just to get rid of a very annoying nag screen.

  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    I'm pretty sure it's just a friendly reminder to renew since allowing product to actually expire will disable significant parts of its protection capabilities

  • FlyingDutchman
    FlyingDutchman Posts: 9 Explorer

    @nononyme : But if got to 02-02-2018 ......and you say [I'm pretty sure it's just a friendly reminder] ????


    When the send me a reminder 2 weeks before renewel O.K, but this is just ridiculous.

    And  this reminder pops-up up twicw a day. Smiley Frustrated

  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Good morning


    I received the email below. F-Secure I am unable to mark any of the rsponses I received as a solution. I do not regard renewing my subscription before the due date as a solution. Therefor I am unable to mark this issue as solved. I will only be able to do that when the F-Secure developers provide us, its' users, with the ability to stop the screen from displaying.


    Perhaps there is an entry in the Windows Registry that can be modified to fix my issue. I have been through the registry but I did not find anything in any of the hundreds of F-Secure entries.







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  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    That was an automated email.  I say automated, but I'm not sure if they are actually sent automatically or manually. Nevertheless, it is a general email sent when people post queries on the forums and have not marked any answer as a solution.


    I had kind of hoped that somebody from F-Secure might have commented in this thread, with some clarification on the matter, but that doesn't seem to be happening.  Have you tried starting up a chat session regarding this issue?


    Contact Support by Phone or Chat

  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Simon


    Yes I did try chat. The bloke I chatted to was unable to assist me. He suggested I go to the enhancement  page which I did. I logged a suggestion:


    Hopefully F-Secure does something to solve this.

  • Hi @FlyingDutchman,


    Kindly contact our support as you should not be seeing the renewal reminder screen so soon. You can contact our support via chat or phone as mentioned here.


    Hello @Philipgr,


    Appreciate the feedback and I've passed it internally to our team.

  • Philipgr
    Philipgr Posts: 20 Enthusiast

    Hi Laksh


    Thank you for the update.




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