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Re: F-Secure plugin for Firefox does not open Google sponsored pages (
Hello @Kilawo Thank you for your post. is currently categorized as ads and is being blocked. If you'd like more information on this, I recommend visiting the following link: … -
Re: I can't login My Fs protection
Hello @MaxXin Welcome to the F-Secure Community page. Thank you for your post. I have checked from my end using your MSN email, however, it seems that there is no account registered under that email.… -
Re: Mikä vikana?
Hei @eskontietoturva2020, Onko kyse mahdollisesti Android-puhelimesta? Jos on, kannattaa puhelimen järjestelmäasetuksista tarkistaa ettei siellä ole F-Securen osalta mitään virransäästö- tai akun opt… -
Re: Miten päästä omille sivuille?????
Hei @Puhti, Tarkistin tilauksesi ja jostain syystä tilin aktivointi on vielä kesken. Saat My F-Secure-tilisi ja tilauksesi aktivoitua vain Cleverbridgen lähettämän tilausvahvistuksen linkin kautta. T… -
Re: I can't login My Fs protection
I was able to get it reset on my own. -
Re: Green banner ?
Hello @clairette Note that this could be an issue with the bank URL or the browsing protection extension. I would suggest looking into the link below in order to confirm which of the two is causing t… -
F-Secure Total beta - FSProtection changes in communication
We are now making changes on the beta community and feedback handling for your benefit. We do not have any more portal after first of August. Feedback wont be requested separately u… -
Re: Freedome in conflict with F-Secure
Hello @ErlingM Thank you for your post. The new F-Secure Total app already includes a built-in VPN feature called "Privacy VPN." You can find more information about the new F-Secure Total b… -
Re: Hello, I cannot install my F-Secure Total on Windows 11 PC although I have a valid subscription
You can try below setting and looks if it help: Open Settings. Click on Apps. Click on Apps & features. Under Installing apps, select the Choose where to get apps drop-down menu. Select "Any… -
Re: F-Secure Total Firefox plugin for Password Manager
Dear @Firmy , Thank you for the advice! I can confirm that following your instructions from above solved the issue, Firefox extension working OK again. I was operating under the assumption that F-Sec…