why Fsecure is not working for me? Am i blocked using it?

HI, Whenever i try your tool it gives alert of overloading... I tried at night, morning evening , every possible hours. But it is not running.  Had i been blocked from using it. Previously i was using occasionally to check the tool. I also wrote some bugs to the forums. But now i could not use it. 


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Recently was such topic:



    Maybe some troubles indeed there. If some of suggestions from noted topic do not work with your experience too - also -> I created private letter for you (as my potential unofficial suggestion). Good if there will be official attention!



  • jraju
    jraju Posts: 22 New Member

    i click the link and got the same. but i do not know how to use that to get the link. therre were some highlighted text and not high lighted texts. If you give the idea , would be helpful

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    With my own feelings:


    --> F-Secure Router Checker page can be with broken state if:


    - something under browser/system will disable certain features (like blocking some scripts or certain domain);


    - service indeed overloaded by ?! something (for example, something goes wrong with check your router DNS-servers);


    - something as CDN or another domain will 'deny' your connection. Maybe based on some of filtration rules. And this can be 'unexpected' and randomly.


    With your latest reply -> do you talk about my private letter?


    And... basically - just because I'm also only F-Secure user (and do not able to re-check it more with F-Secure Router Checker)... good to get attention from F-Secure Staff (or Router Checker Team) as their own investigation about potential reasons based on their side (and not browser/system configuration-settings).


    Just as addition: with both of situations (this topic and noted one) -> I do able to get proper status of F-Secure Router Checker. Not overload (or something) and work with this days with common settings under system/browser.



  • jraju
    jraju Posts: 22 New Member

    While thanking you for the concern,  how to go about, after getting the ping page from that link.

                      Do you mean to say, that i should have java installed it to work? There was no prompt to alert that.

                      What the browser settings , i do not have any adblock program or intentionally blocked this site .

                        My query to the fourm is am I blocked? how to know? 

  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    Do you mean by "Java" Java Script?
    Java Script is in browser settings: off/on.

    For you this information

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @jraju wrote:

    While thanking you for the concern,  how to go about, after getting the ping page from that link.

                      Do you mean to say, that i should have java installed it to work? There was no prompt to alert that.

                      What the browser settings , i do not have any adblock program or intentionally blocked this site .

                        My query to the fourm is am I blocked? how to know? 



    So, if your words about my private letter. If you got the "ping-page" URL.

    And, for example, we able to talk about Microsoft Edge browser (or any other browsers which able to handle .json automatically under browser window). You copy this "ping"-URL and add it under addressbar (like visit the page). As result -> if all OK -> should be visible output with 'data' about your DNS-servers. With such steps -> it will be not beauty strings under certain format (but which possible to read anyway). If it available for you -> I'm not sure why Router Checker is not work with your experience.


    And about other points:


    --> you have not to be with "Java" under system. Not required.


    --> browser settings: for example, allow JavaScripts (.js) or some other security settings (which can be or not with relations about proper work). Mainly this based on browser's features. And can be with difference between them. For example, Internet Explorer can be with different rules for zones (HTTP/HTTPS/Intranet/Unsafe pages) -> where certain tweaks and options will be applied.

    Since you got the "Overload"-page: I able to repeat it with next steps (as example):

     -- scripts are blocked by settings (block JavaScript to work). Or by certain software or addon; As result -> Router Checker will show for me "Overload; Try later"-words.

     -- OR something do block connection to router check pages. It can be another security solution with Content Blocker/Filter.  As result -> Router Checker will show for me "Overload; Try later"-words (at least, previously).

     -- OR your ISP with their own rules about. Not sure what will be.


    --> About your query "is are you blocked/how to know":

    required to receive response from F-Secure Router Checker team. Or will contact direct F-Secure Support Channels for their certified investigation: 



    Potential reason -- why you can be blocked -- only if third-party services (like protection against DDOS) or something like -- will prevent/filter your IPs. With such situation -- some other websites also should not work for you. Why it can be valid -> I'm not sure.

    OR if your ISP/Router settings will break/prevent something for such Check-services.



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    An interesting article, thanks Ukko!

  • jraju
    jraju Posts: 22 New Member

    Nice ukko.

                i tried changing the dns to opendns and fsecure worked flawlessly. Yes i did make protection of dos attacks in router.But that will not be a reason for this behaviour because, those denial of service protections are enabled by me for securing me against such kind of attacks.

                                     still puzzled, with the same settings , the page is working without the overload prompt.

                                     My sub query: is it alert made by the fsecure or  something the other party software , so that they give false alarm so you think that the alert is correct and do nothing, but trying with the same page, with the same prompt for months. why fsecure team members does not look at their forum is only could be known to them. If so much such users experience the same alert, and thinking that it is  overload, then their security is really at risk.

                                        will you explain this behaviour furtherukko

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    jraju wrote:

    Nice ukko.

                i tried changing the dns to opendns and fsecure worked flawlessly. Yes i did make protection of dos attacks in router.But that will not be a reason for this behaviour because, those denial of service protections are enabled by me for securing me against such kind of attacks.

                                     still puzzled, with the same settings , the page is working without the overload prompt.

                                     My sub query: is it alert made by the fsecure or  something the other party software , so that they give false alarm so you think that the alert is correct and do nothing, but trying with the same page, with the same prompt for months. why fsecure team members does not look at their forum is only could be known to them. If so much such users experience the same alert, and thinking that it is  overload, then their security is really at risk.

                                        will you explain this behaviour furtherukko



    If you do ask me about this situation (as my own potential unofficial feelings):


    firstly I want to clarify that when I created words about (protection against DDOS) - mainly I meant their servers/services. For example, certain domain (resource) under protection by solution. Such solution can be with certain rules or specific filters. Quite likely if your IP (or other triggers based on your connection) will be rejected -> will be not possible to use such resource. It can be randomly or based on random situation (not connected directly with you).


    But when I created words about system's settings or router's settings or ISP design -> I meant different various potential settings/options/tweaks/rules/specifications which can be related with troubleresult. So -- good if you keep your security-protection layer-tweak under your router (if it indeed works good for you);


    secondly I'm not sure why changing DNS to OpenDNS was a fix, but maybe your 'own' (previous) DNS-servers with some options like prevent any requests to it (or block it). If it possible, of course.

    This also can be as security or protection tweak.

    OR even more kind of incompatibility between F-Secure Router Checker and your configuration. Since -> there was another topic with such description -> maybe it can be something common.


    And why F-Secure team does not look at their forum/community -- I'm not sure too.

    For example, not clear 'does they look or not'. Clearly only that they do not any responses/replies yet (under your topic).

    Such silence can be based on their own internal investigation and tries to improve/fix situation. If it was known for them.

    And "overload/try-later"-words is a generic notification. Not sure if possible to improve it and to create more 'good' words for each situation (while it not always possible to detect what was a reason for it).

    Mainly this situation should not be quite popular (like 'overload/try-later') when all goes good. And if such notification comes (even not visible reasons for such) - strange, but maybe based on good design of DNS-servers (?!). Anyway -> since I'm not sure (and did not try to recheck) how F-Secure Router Checker works and what can be a direct reasons for such... I still able to think that good if F-Secure Teams with attention about your topic (at least, as 'underground' investigation).




  • jraju
    jraju Posts: 22 New Member

    Of course, ukko is replying to me. The other mail sent is automated from fsecure without any participation in the discussion. i have the problem, when i change the dns to public, then  the router check is working, but when i use my dhcp dns server, it is not responding. weird behaviour.

    I do not know, whether fsecure team member ever view any thread in the forum. Does this forum have any moderator. i doubt

  • Hi jraju,


    Indeed, I have been looking through this thread discussion and have already highlighted this to the respective team. We do look through the posts and bring it to the product team's notice when necessary. I also see that Ukko and Näsäviisas has been engaging in this topic and providing their suggestions.


This discussion has been closed.