FS Protection PC Release 182

Note: Releases 180 and 181 were skipped. Previous beta release was 179.
This release contains following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:
- Common Component Framework 2.82.172
- Antivirus 14.182.100
- Browsing protection 2.182.4871
Fixed issues:
- Security Cloud status is visible in GUI again (however, "Not connected" may be wrongly reported, CTS-98509/UFO-1467)
- Rare case when installation could claim certificate error incorrectly (CTS-98436)
- Security Cloud help is missing (CTS-98550)
- Last update check timestamp is incorrect (CTS-98561)
- All listview columns are not resizeable (CTS-98568)
- NIF update gets stuck in "Not installed" for 7 days after installation (CTS-98641)
Browsing Protection:
- Banking flyer does not appear expanded when launched for the very first time (CTS-98577)
- Firefox profile may get reset if browsing protection extension is disabled (CTS-98614)
- Device timelock may be bypassed with resolution change (CTS-98426)
- Device timelock page disappears with extend dialog (CTS-98576)
- Browsing Protection blockpages missing logos (CTS-98562, SAFE_BUG-01460)
- Browsing Protection blockpage's allow button not working (CTS-98592, SAFE_BUG-01472)
- Chrome extension not uninstalled during product uninstallation (CTS-98513)
- Virus protection "not up to date" reported wrongly after multiple days of computer use without restarts (CTS-98579)
- Virus protection remains in "updating" state after installation although all updates have been installed (CTS-98579, has the same cause as the above noted issue)
- Hidden folders cannot be added to exclusions list (CTS-98537)
- ZIP archives not scanned by manual scanning when scanning of known files only disabled (CTS-98570)
- Wrong file name may be shown in Events list when multiple DeepGuard blocking actions take place (CTS-98600)
- If user Turns off protection right after installation, protection state is wrong in UI (CTS-98466)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hi @ClauA7X
I can't give you any dates for production releases. They also happen at different times, depending on whether you are using F-Secure version or some operator branded version.
However, I can tell you that we are only at the beginning of this version development so it will continue for months in beta.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
There is website-page about (with URL to signup):
I able to add that I have experience with F-Secure technology-preview/beta under my main systems too.
Mainly F-Secure technology preview can be more stable and high quality, than some of stable version "another company"'s solutions. But anyway you have to be with meanings - that just because this is beta/tp - so usually it do not recommended to use under the "critical for you" systems.
With work-days of week probably it can be more briefly. There was (under the community) that it can take some days.
With my experience it was about weeks probably.
Also - I think - just because we talk about it under the community - so this information (that you did the request) can trigger more speedy process.
I saw this "https://www.f-secure.com/documents/996508/1030745/deepguard_whitepaper.pdf" a while ago and was wondering when would Deepguard 6 see the light of the day.
The "On the fly behaviour analysis optimisations" and suitable for modern Operating systems (I am hoping that Microsoft AMSI would be supported since this feature would make DeepGuard even more powerful and efficient and is a "must have" feature with Windows 10) are the key improvements made with Deepguard 6 (as far as I can see). But its already 2017 and even though Deepguard 6 was apparently to be introduced in 2016, it is not yet implemented in any of the F-Secure products.
Any comments by F-Secure on the availability of Deepguard 6 in the consumer products would be appreciated.
Thanks for the confirmation on that. So DeepGuard 5 build 593 is basically Deepguard 6! I was just curious looking at the version and build number.
Any exact details as to how Deepguard 6 is different from version 5. I have seen the whitepaper but was wondering if there is any thing in more detail.