Consolidating devices with individual subscriptions for Freedome into to one multi-device subscripti

VK-73 Posts: 5 Explorer

I have used freedome for a while on adifferent devices, PC, (Windows) Mac, OSX, Android with each install having its own separate license. 


Recently instead of doing things in dribs or drabs, II bought the 7 device sibscription from F-Secure with a view to using that single subscription to consolidate my earlier licenses.


Anyway, I have update my PCs which is all good, but for some reason OSX and iOS don't see to want to play ball, giving me a message about bot being able to validate the subsription.




  • Chameni
    Chameni Posts: 234 F-Secure Employee


    Hi VK-73,


    We are sorry to inform you cant transfer a single device subscription to Multi device especially for iOS and Android. You may refer here for more information about this.


    Thank you.

  • VK-73
    VK-73 Posts: 5 Explorer
    Sorry, I possibly should have phrased it better. I have a number of devices, and a few have apple store subscriptions on them individually . I want to let these expire and then add the device to my new multi device subscription. Currently the activation code doesn't seem to work on these apple devices.
  • Chameni
    Chameni Posts: 234 F-Secure Employee


    Hi VK-73,


    If you decide to move to a multi-platform subscription, you must first cancel your current Android or iOS subscription before its renewal time. Cancel the current subscription through the account that you used when you subscribed to the service. Otherwise, Google Play store or Apple App Store will continue charging you for the subscription. For more information about the Google Play and Apple App Store subscription processing, visit the following webpages:

    Thank you.

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