
    How do I renew my F-Secure SAFE/TOTAL subscription with a code?

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    Renewing F-Secure SAFE/TOTAL subscription with a code


    1. Log in to My F-Secure.
    2. On the top navigation bar, click Subscription.
    3. Click Enter a code. *If you have automatic renewal in use, you need to first press Cancel subscription, by clicking the account name drop down > Select Account Settings > Select "Click here" to cancel the subscription.  
    4. Type in your subscription code (found on your F-Secure box or card), and click Continue.
    5. Verify the subscription details and if they are correct, click Accept.
    6. Click Close.
    Note: The new code might change the number of devices you can protect. Also, the subscription time from the code is added to the remaining days left on your current subscription. Remaining trial days are not compensated.

    Note: Also do make sure that you have a code, if you purchased F-Secure SAFE/TOTAL from F-Secure online store, you don't get a code.

    Note: You must be the admin user for My F-Secure account in order to renew the subscription. If you currently are a sub-user, you can create account of your own after removing yourself from current My F-Secure group.

    Article no: 000001009

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