F-Secure Internet Security has malfunctioned, the icon is missing, or the application crashed suddenly.
F-Secure Internet Security may have experienced a malfunction. Uninstalling and reinstalling the product may help rectify the issue.
STEP A: Uninstall F-Secure using Uninstallation Tool
Note: Please be aware that the Uninstallation Tool might affect other F-Secure products installed on your computer.
- Log on to your computer with administrator rights.
- Download the Uninstallation Tool for Windows from our Support Tools page.
- Run the executable FsUninstallationTool.exe. The User Account Controls appears.
- Click Yes.
- Click Start.
- Select 'What to remove', and click Next then choose F-Secure Internet Security. Then click Next to remove the program.
- Click Restart when prompted. This is to remove remaining files. The uninstallation is complete when your computer restarts.
STEP B: Reinstall F-Secure Internet Security
- Log in to My F-Secure with your account username and password.
- Once logged in, click the device you wish to release the license. Click Release license twice.
- Click Add device. Select either My device, My child's device or Someone else's device. Then click Continue
- Select either This computer, Another computer, Tablet or Phone, then Click Download for Windows.
- Depending on your browser:
- The installer file downloads automatically; or
- You are asked to save the file. If prompted, click Save File.
- Press Ctrl+J on your keyboard to open the download folder and find the file.
- Click on the installer file (for example, F-Secure-Network-Installer_xxxxxxxxxxxxx_.exe) to run the installer. If the User Account Control window appears, click Yes.
- Click Accept and install to start the installation.
The installation takes a minute or so, and once installed, your computer is protected.
If you encounter any issues after reinstallation, please contact Customer Support.
Article no: 000004094