scheduled scan

scottie Posts: 1 Observer

A pop up appears to advise a scan is starting similar would be appreciated to let know when scan is complete

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Completed · Last Updated


  • MargosDezerian
    MargosDezerian Posts: 115 Active Engager

    Yes good idea and also ad the options to not delete any founding objects automatically during scheduled scan and not to activate "scan compressed archives" option or an option to activate advanced heuristic for it.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for potential feedback (I'm also only F-Secure user).


    Looks like that current F-Secure Home solutions (AV/IS/SAFE/TOTAL) with both notifications (Scheduled Scan is started; Scheduled Scan is completed).


    Additionally -> possible to uncheck 'scan compressed files' (probably) at Scheduled Scan settings; And maybe not possible to configure "autohandling detected items" by default.



  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @scottie

    This idea has been implemented and now in production.

    The Idea is now considered completed and closed!

    Thank you for your suggestion.

This discussion has been closed.