Auto-fill Credit cards

csjDK Posts: 50 Explorer

Please make it possbile to auto-fill credt card information. Card number, expireing date and name etc.


  • @csjDK 


    Hi!  Just a note to let you know I've moved this topic to the Feature Request board, so the Key development team can more easily find and follow-up on the idea.

    I also happen to like your idea, let's hope it can be done Smiley Very Happy

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my potential feedback (I'm only F-Secure user).


    Looks like that current F-Secure KEY with 'implemented'-status of such feature.

    It possible to add/store certain type of entry. And with browser's plugins (or other steps) possible to autofill it (most likely).

